Why do you suppose it is that the "law" is important to Mr. Homan where it regards AOC, but isn't at all concerned abut the law while working for the biggest law breaker in the country at this time? Mr. T has no qualms about breaking the law, even disobeying an order directed by a judge. We are on the threshold of a constitutional crisis because of Trump. Let Homan ponder that one.

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Too many to count. That is, the number of American citizens who are willing to stand with and/or harbor men, women, and children who are being hunted down. I hope I am right in believing we are better than this! That we won't be participants in this violent cruelty -- supporters via silence. Why aren't more elected federal officials and leadlers doing what AOC is doing?! She has my full support and gratitude.

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If Kamala had won, I thought she'd do 2 terms, then AOC would be next in line. Now I think when the Convict is done, hopefully in less then 4, Jeffries will be ready with AOC as VP. After his 2 terms she'll step up for her 2 terms. Hopefully. we still have a country by then

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Agreed, thanks!🙏 👍

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Sorry, Jeffries is not the man. I believe Jasmine Crockett and Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez belong in the White House now! Jeffries can hild another position of importance.

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trump and his herd of turds are the most unchristian evil selfish fuckers I have ever encountered in my 78 years.

I hope trump chokes on a Big Mac. I hooe the rest of them get bird flu or dengue fever or some other debilitating disease.

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The CORRUPT AND ILLEGAL ACTIONS of this 🤡 administration continues to threaten individuals who are doing NOTHING WRONG! America, we must stand up against the treats to our freedoms and democracy. 💪

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Sorry for the yelling. (Maybe!) Butvi have had it with you toxic idiots!!!

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A better WOMAN! more women fewer men....

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So, is Homan going to arrest immigration lawyers next? Or just lawyers in general? Folks, we are doomed if no one steps up to stop this overthrow of our democracy

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Homan is getting desperate because the deportation numbers are not to the Orange Turd's liking. Now I am going to go out on a limb here , but maybe those numbers of "illegals" that the Musk pet Mango was throwing out during the campaign were not correct. He may have even lied ( I know, GASP). Even though Homan is a thug and a buffoon, he does remember what happens when the Orange POS residing , at present, in the White House becomes disenchanted with someone. Keep up the great work AOC!!!

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Notice that there are almost no deportations here in Texas (they concentrated a little in Austin, only because it's a Deep Blue city). There are tens of thousands of undocumented workers here. The state GOP actually passed a law 20 years ago that protects illegals in Texas if they hold "certain jobs". The list of jobs immune from deportation is extensive : laborers of ANY trade : construction, housing, road......this covers thousands and thousands of jobs alone, housekeeping (try finding any hotel/motel in the state that has a white woman, especially if she can speak English, working in housekeeping), cooks, short-order cooks, bus boys, landscapers (this group alone accounts for thousands of jobs alone in just one city), pool boy cleaners and the list goes on. By protecting these people they allow Texas business to hire them at slave wages.

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Homan sounds drunker than Larry Kudlow every time I hear him on tv.

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It is spellbinding. Even though one knows what to expect from an oligarchy or fascism, to see it actually happening takes it quickly out of the history books and into one's real life.

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I back her all the way. I detest the Brooklyn thug, who acts like he's a mob enforcer.

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Anyone who works in the trump regime, in any fashion, is an amoral traitor.

At best, they are in it for the money and relative power. So, I think that every time any player in trump's fascist "administration" acts out, they need to be sued for more money than they can possibly come up with. This eliminates the "I was just doing my job" defense.

Tom Homan should be required to relinquish all property of any value ... remortgage his home(s) and forfeit his salary and investment funds. In short be financially ruined.

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Maybe Homan needs to be investigated. He might be breaking the law! Hour for AOC!!!!!

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Homan is your typical low life bully. I’m so proud of AOC, and she is spot on, maybe he should try reading the constitution. Or maybe he needs someone to read it TO him and explain the big words. AOC is what every representative should be like.

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It's simple, I am for AOC!!!

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