Trump Border Czar Asked DOJ To Investigate Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Trump border czar Tom Homan said that he has spoken to the DOJ about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) advising immigrants of their constitutional rights.
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) (D-NY) has been an outspoken critic of Trump’s immigration raids. AOC has been advising immigrants of their rights in public appearances and online.
Her adherence to the law has raised the ire of Trump border czar Tom Homan, who told Fox News that he went so far as to speak to the DOJ about investigating Rep. Ocasio-Cortez for interfering with his raids.
Homan said in response to being asked if AOC is breaking the law:
I'll leave that up to DOJ. What I find disturbing is that any member of Congress wants to educate people how to evade law enforcement. You can claim you're educating those constitutional rights. Okay, you can keep that claim.
But what she in fact is doing is telling people don't open your door, hide in your home, don't talk to ICE. We're talking about people who are in the country illegally, committed a crime, they're a public safety threat, they've been convicted of serious crime, and they've been ordered removed by a federal judge.
So it's like AOC and others. Don't want ICE to enforce the laws that they enacted. She's a member of Congress, let us enforce the laws you enacted, that's what we're supposed to do. You can't go after her, do you think others should? No, I think I've asked DOJ, where is that line of impediment, of interference?
Now, if someone stands in your way, prevents you from arresting somebody, and puts your hands on them, that's impediment. But what line is telling people to hide from mice, not open the door? Where do you cross that line on impediment? So I've simply asked the Department of Justice, give us that line.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is trying to advise people of their rights. It is not against the law to advise people of their rights. Many of these ICE raids are being conducted without a warrant.
Being in the country illegally is a civil, not a criminal offense.
AOC responded to Homan’s initial threat by mocking him on X:
"MaYbe shE's goiNg to be in TroUble nOw. Maybe he can learn to read. The Constitution would be a good place to start.”
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not going to be prosecuted. She committed no crime.
Homan is getting desperate because his mass immigration raids haven’t been so massive, and there is growing public resistance to deporting immigrants who aren’t criminals. Homan is trying to intimidate AOC, but he is barking up the wrong tree because Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has shown that she won’t be intimidated.
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Why do you suppose it is that the "law" is important to Mr. Homan where it regards AOC, but isn't at all concerned abut the law while working for the biggest law breaker in the country at this time? Mr. T has no qualms about breaking the law, even disobeying an order directed by a judge. We are on the threshold of a constitutional crisis because of Trump. Let Homan ponder that one.
Too many to count. That is, the number of American citizens who are willing to stand with and/or harbor men, women, and children who are being hunted down. I hope I am right in believing we are better than this! That we won't be participants in this violent cruelty -- supporters via silence. Why aren't more elected federal officials and leadlers doing what AOC is doing?! She has my full support and gratitude.