White House daily briefing

Jen Psaki Turns Peter Doocy’s Question Into Some Epic Shade At Trump

Jen Psaki Turns Peter Doocy’s Question Into Some Epic Shade At Trump

Fox's Peter Doocy tried to ask a question suggesting that Biden is to blame for the stock market drop, and…

3 years ago

Watch Live As Sarah Huckabee Sanders Faces Reporters After Manafort Indictment

Watch the White House daily briefing, as White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will face reporters after Paul Manafort…

7 years ago

Watch Sarah Huckabee Sanders Fall Apart When Confronted With John Kelly’s Lies

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders fell apart when confronted by the press with John Kelly's lies. All she…

7 years ago

All Hell Breaks Loose After A Reporter Asks For Proof Of Trump Claims And White House Flips Out

Things went way off the rails as the Trump White House trotted out Stephen Miller to push for the xenophobic…

7 years ago

White House spokesman Spicer draws heat off camera

White House spokesman Sean Spicer drew the ire of some reporters on Monday for banning cameras from daily press briefings…

7 years ago

Trump Descends Further Into Madness By Threatening To Replace Sean Spicer With Himself

Trump has gone so crazy that he is threatening to replace the White House daily briefing with twice a month…

8 years ago