
Close to One-Third of Republicans Believe that “Patriots” May Have to Resort to Violence

Close to One-Third of Republicans Believe that “Patriots” May Have to Resort to Violence

Fully 30% of Republicans, or - more specifically, Trump's MAGA right, agree with the statement, "Because things have gotten so…

3 years ago

How to Take Down Violent White Supremacists – the Most “Persistent and Lethal” Threat in America

the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Donald Trump actually said that white supremacist extremists are “the most persistent…

4 years ago

Simon & Schuster Cancels Josh Hawley’s Book Deal For His Role In Threatening Democracy

Yesterday's attack on the U.S. Capitol was almost entirely Donald Trump's fault. But the President couldn't have incited such a…

4 years ago

How Donald Trump Has ‘Fostered the Toxic Environment’ For Violence

Our nation is on edge, and according to The Washington Post, this may be because President Donald Trump has “fostered…

6 years ago

Joe Biden Lays Waste To Trump’s Golf Swing-Hillary Clinton GIF: ‘Our Children Are Watching’

"Enough. This has to stop," the former Vice President tweeted. "Our children are watching."

7 years ago

Trump Lays The Groundwork For Feds Invading Chicago With Latest Tweet

If Trump is serious about reducing violence, he should consider tightening the nation's gun laws.

8 years ago

Elizabeth Warren Isn’t Letting Trump Off The Hook For Inciting Violence Against Clinton

"It’s just one more example of why Donald Trump not only shouldn’t be president but is truly disqualified to be…

8 years ago

Unhinged Giuliani Says Crowd Would Have ‘Gone Wild’ If Trump Actually Threatened Clinton

No mentally stable adult should ever go "wild" at the thought of assassinating a political opponent. Even the most partisan…

8 years ago

We Have To Get It Right: Only Gun Owners With Lots of Guns Tend to be Angry, Unstable, Impulsive

Gun research is scarce so when it does come out progressive gun regulation advocates have to report on it accurately.

9 years ago

Right-wing Hero George Zimmerman Gets Violent Again

George Zimmerman has a history of violent behavior. Eventually he will run out of excuses and end up doing significant…

10 years ago

‘Guaranteed Conflict Theory’ As An Explanation For Why The Police Keep Killing Black People

The broken windows policing tactic is a major reason why we see conflict between the police & African Americans. In…

10 years ago

Gun Crazed Republican Senate Candidate Calls UCSB Killings An ‘Unfortunate Accident’

Iowa Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Joni Ernst referred to the recent Isla Vista killings as an "unfortunate accident" in a…

11 years ago

King Ended the Reign of Terror So Now It’s Time For the Truth About White Privilege

White people have largely ended violence. Now, it is time for telling the truth about privilege and facing what it…

11 years ago

Alabama Man Holding 5-Year-Old Boy Hostage ‘Listened to a Lot of Conservative Talk Radio’

Jim Lee Dykes, who gunned down a bus driver and abducted a 5-year-old boy that he's holding hostage, is described…

12 years ago

Actually Steubenville, You Can Test for Roofies for Up to a Month

Steubenville Police said it was too late to test Jane Doe to see if she had been roofied. However, there…

12 years ago

House GOP Shames America by Endangering Women

It's not just the Sandy bill. Eric Cantor (R-VA) and John Boehner (R-OH) also killed legislation that would help protect…

12 years ago

Indians Protest Brutal Rape of Young Woman Who Died Today

A 23-year-old female who was brutally gang-raped in India died today as a result of her injuries. Her attack has…

12 years ago

Kirk Cameron Throws Stones at Gays But Says He is the Stoning Victim

Kirk Cameron has been stoning gays and lesbians but wants to present himself as the victim because people dared criticize…

12 years ago

Republicans Declare War On Women But Ignore America’s Gang Problem

There are around a million gang members in the U.S. Gang violence costs thousands of lives and billions of dollars,…

13 years ago

The Republican Siren Song of Sedition

Throughout my life I’ve never hated someone’s message so much that I wanted to shut him or her down by…

15 years ago