Trump tweet

Trump Gives Up On Beating Biden And Starts Running Against Pelosi

Trump Gives Up On Beating Biden And Starts Running Against Pelosi

Donald Trump is losing to Joe Biden in every objective poll, so he has moved on to making up lies…

4 years ago

After 49 Muslims are Murdered, Trump Tweets Link to Anti-Muslim Website

After scores of Muslims were murdered in a terrorist attack in New Zealand, Donald Trump mindlessly tweeted out a link…

6 years ago

Trump Gets Caught Obstructing Justice, Gives FBI Free Rein

Ever since it was announced that the FBI would do a further investigation of Brett Kavanaugh it has been difficult…

6 years ago

Two Old Men Lose Their Minds on Twitter In Lame Defense of Trump

There was a short tweet by the president, and a long tweet by his attorney. Both tweets had the same…

6 years ago

Trump Just Had An Epic Tantrum Over Mueller And Showed Why His SCOTUS Nominee Should Be Rejected

Trump managed to jam at least three conspiracy theories into a single tweet as he tantrumed about the Russia scandal…

6 years ago

Trump Throws A Jealous Fit Because America Loves Obama More

Trump spun off into a jealous rage because he thinks that America should love him like they love Obama, but…

7 years ago

Trump Tweets He Has ‘Absolute Right’ To Pardon Himself

Twitter is on fire this morning after President Donald Trump sent out a tweet at 5:25 a.m. saying he has…

7 years ago

As People Die In Washington Train Derailment, Trump Cuts Funding To Amtrak

Trump responded to the Amtrak Washington train derailment with a tweet calling for more infrastructure spending. The problem is that…

7 years ago