Despite the lowest presidential approval ratings in history just before a midterm election President Donald Trump insanely is predicting massive…
Many people have been surprised this week to see two tweets from President Trump citing his high approval ratings in…
A new NBC News/Marist poll of the three states that gave Trump the presidency by 78,000 votes (Michigan, Wisconsin, and…
"Trump falls below 40% approval for the first time in our average," Nate Silver of 538 noted, linking to their…
"Nearly seven-in-ten Americans say that Trump's use of Twitter is a bad idea," Only 9 percent say they "strongly support"…
A new NBC News poll revealed that as President-elect Donald Trump is failing. Instead of providing the American people with…
A new Pew Research Poll found that the Republican Party's unfavorable rating had risen to its highest level since 1992.
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