Trump approval ratings

Insane Trump Predicts GOP Victories Due to His Health and Management Style

Insane Trump Predicts GOP Victories Due to His Health and Management Style

Despite the lowest presidential approval ratings in history just before a midterm election President Donald Trump insanely is predicting massive…

6 years ago

Why Trump Is Tweeting About His Horrible, Very Bad Poll Numbers

Many people have been surprised this week to see two tweets from President Trump citing his high approval ratings in…

7 years ago

A New Poll Of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania Voters Just Terrified Trump

A new NBC News/Marist poll of the three states that gave Trump the presidency by 78,000 votes (Michigan, Wisconsin, and…

7 years ago

One Number Proves That Most American Are Definitely Not Behind Trump

"Trump falls below 40% approval for the first time in our average," Nate Silver of 538 noted, linking to their…

8 years ago

New Poll Shows 70 Percent of Americans Disapprove of Trump’s Use of Twitter

"Nearly seven-in-ten Americans say that Trump's use of Twitter is a bad idea," Only 9 percent say they "strongly support"…

8 years ago

Trump Is Already Failing As Majority Are Uncertain And Pessimistic About His Presidency

A new NBC News poll revealed that as President-elect Donald Trump is failing. Instead of providing the American people with…

8 years ago

America Hates The Trump Led Republican Party: GOP Unfavorables Soar To 24 Year High

A new Pew Research Poll found that the Republican Party's unfavorable rating had risen to its highest level since 1992.

9 years ago