Tea Party protests

Florida Descends Into Budget Chaos As Republicans Squabble Over Medicaid Expansion

Although the Florida Republican Party has one-party control of the state government, they are simply unable and unwilling to govern.

10 years ago
Jon Stewart Scorches Rand Paul And Ted Cruz Over Their State Of The Union Responses

Jon Stewart Scorches Rand Paul And Ted Cruz Over Their State Of The Union Responses

During Wednesday night's broadcast of The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart took aim at the multiple Republican responses to this…

10 years ago

Operation American Spring Rallies a Few Hundred Lunatics at Most

Protesters has no problem finding places to sit on the capital mall while they try to wish Obama away

11 years ago

Tea Party’s Latest Plan To Get Millions To March On Washington Will Be A Comedic Failure

This weekend, a far-right, anti-government group calling itself Patriots For America, plans to organize a 'huge' march on Washington, D.C.…

11 years ago

Get Ready to Tread on Some Tea Party Snakes

Isaac Asimov wrote that, "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." The tea party is bending over backward to…

11 years ago

Alan Keyes Says We Need a Religious Right Party Because GOP Not Extreme Enough

Keyes says, "if it's really broke, you don't fix it either, you replace it with something that works. Have Americans…

11 years ago

Tissues for the Tea Party’s Issues

The tea party is the intersection of cognitive dissonance and reality. It's certain to become a reality show. Oh wait…

11 years ago

Tea Party Steals our Money, Wants to Sell National Parks to Subsidize their Greed

The tea party wants to sell what doesn't belong to them, stealing our heritage to enrich themselves and the corporations…

11 years ago

Grayson’s Firestorm – GOP Says the Truth is Unacceptable and Deplorable

Grayson said, "I'm calling them out for their hate. That's not wrong. That needs to be done. It's the only…

11 years ago

Ted Cruz: Has the Tea Party ‘Golden Boy’ gone too far this time?

Ted Cruz has had the ear and hearts of the Tea Party and right-wing almost from the day he arrived…

11 years ago

This Is What Happens When Common Sense Invades the Republican Party

Being found in possession of even a sliver of conscience and an ounce of common sense is proving to be…

12 years ago

Bearded Muslims and the Incredible Mental Midgetry of the Tea Party

Cathie Adams' stunning conclusion that Grover Norquist is a Muslim because he has a beard, left me speechless despite five…

12 years ago

The Tea Party Speaks From The Gutter and Tells the GOP to Forget Hispanic Voters

Tea Party Republicans like Rep. Tim Huelskamp are spewing more hate and intolerance by decrying Republican outreach to "so-called" Hispanic…

12 years ago

Obama, Poverty, Racial Politics, and the White Vote

Critics have been saying President Obama has not done enough to address poverty. They don't seem to understand the reasons…

12 years ago