Friday Fox Follies – Facts, Fibs, And Folderol
What depresses me is Fox ratings versus a Truth-O-Meter. Once again the Tampa Bay Times Pundit Fact is checking in on our TV network scorecards.
What depresses me is Fox ratings versus a Truth-O-Meter. Once again the Tampa Bay Times Pundit Fact is checking in on our TV network scorecards.
Ted Cruz, like every other Republican, hates being quoted, and it’s never his fault that he said it, but the media’s fault for reporting it
In a poll released on Thursday by the Tampa Bay Times, Democrat Alex Sink holds a 7-point lead over Republican David Jolly in Florida’s 13th District Special Election.
On New Year’s Eve, Watermark, a noted Florida-based LGBT publication, published an interview that the paper’s founder, Tom Dyer, had with former Florida Governor Charlie Crist.
Major papers in two swing states (FL and CO) endorsed Pres. Obama for a second term, and the SLT in Utah – considered by some a home state of Romney’s – also endorses POTUS.
The rebranding of the GOP and Mitt Romney took a hit last night, when RNC attendees threw nuts at a CNN African American camerawoman and said ‘This is how we feed animals!’