
He Blew It For Our Country: Trump Releases a Statement Blasting Mitch McConnell

He Blew It For Our Country: Trump Releases a Statement Blasting Mitch McConnell

Following the January 6th insurrection, both Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell blasted Donald Trump for his role in the attack.…

4 years ago

After Steve Scalise Shooting, Terry McAuliffe Speaks The Truth About Too Many Guns On The Streets

Gov. Terry McAuliffe said, "I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens. I have long…

8 years ago

While Cutting Their Pay Scott Walker Praises First Responders in Sikh Temple Shooting

Scott Walker called the mass shootings at a Wisconsin Sikh Temple this morning evil and praised the first responders, many…

12 years ago

In Healthcare Remarks Obama Rejects Both the Left and the Right

The most interesting portion of President Obama's statement on healthcare reform today was not that he called for an up…

15 years ago