American Atheists Sue To Stop Welfare For Baptist Convention
Expenditure of public treasury funds for the Baptist Convention would advance its religious purpose in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Expenditure of public treasury funds for the Baptist Convention would advance its religious purpose in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
A U.S. District Court Judge informed a school board that proselytizing and prayers were not suited for a public school board meeting
Using taxpayer-funded federal aid is a critical part of Liberty University’s business model to create a “uniquely Republican” education program
When Americans in the near future look back and wonder how, why, and when their democracy was lost to theocracy, and the Constitution replaced with the bible, they can look back at the Court’s ruling as a pivotal moment, not the deciding moment, in democracy’s demise but a very significant one all the same.
Americans who value their freedoms, religious or otherwise, would do well to avoid the pitfalls of staying silent for fear of offending extremists because that silence has produced precisely what is plaguing this nation.
Republicans persistently claimed they, and only they, adhere to the constitution regardless they routinely disregard or misrepresent the document to fit their extremist vision under Republican rule.
Republicans in the state’s legislature are proposing an official state religion by exempting North Carolina from following the Constitution’s separation of church and state.
There is a growing movement to insert religion into the education system using taxpayer dollars.
A number of Republicans have signaled their willingness to revisit one of America’s darkest eras when innuendo, suspicion, and false accusations cost many their freedom, livelihood, and reputation.