School voucher

Scott Walker And ALEC Allow High School Dropouts To Teach High School

Scott Walker And ALEC Allow High School Dropouts To Teach High School

Of course, anything 'stupid' Republicans conceive of is always at the behest of their funding machine the Koch brothers and…

10 years ago

In A Victory for Public Education Judge Says NC School Vouchers Are Unconstitutional

The judge, Superior Court Judge Robert Hobgood, identified the Republican legislation, "Opportunity Scholarship Program," as a scam to "siphon money…

10 years ago

Republicans Propose New Privatization Scheme That Would Destroy Public Schools

Many Americans missed a Republican proposal to destroy the public school system because they were awaiting President Obama's State of…

11 years ago

Republicans Turn Charter School Officials Into the New Robber Barons

School privatization is the new Gold Rush. There is money to be made in them there hills. And charter schools…

12 years ago

Right Wing School Voucher Guy Howard Rich is Buying US State Legislatures

Howard Rich is one of a number of extremely wealthy old men who are not only buying congressmen and women,…

12 years ago