
Proof That Republicans Are Creating Poverty: America Is Number One In Low Wage Jobs

Proof That Republicans Are Creating Poverty: America Is Number One In Low Wage Jobs

According to new research on America's world-leading economic inequality, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reported that in…

10 years ago

In Case You Missed It… Assorted Oddities from Around the Web

Some interesting tidbits that hit the web within the past week or so include dog walking drones, a UFO in…

11 years ago

SHAME: Millions of Americans Are Going Hungry and Republicans Plan to Make Even Worse

While the wealthiest 1% of Americans' fortunes increase dramatically, millions of Americans are going hungry and Republicans plan to make…

11 years ago

WND Says Social Justice Doesn’t Come from Jesus but from the KGB

The KGB has cleverly and diabolically re-written every Bible ever sold all the way back to the second century of…

11 years ago