Rick Perry

Republican Championing of Primeval Causes Is Creating a Hazardous Existence for Women

Republican Championing of Primeval Causes Is Creating a Hazardous Existence for Women

Republicans have taken to championing primeval causes for their reality-challenged supporters, and left to their own devices are creating a…

11 years ago

Wendy Davis Tears Apart Rick Perry For Bullying Women To Advance His Career

Governor Perry seems to think that bullying women is a political winner for him, but if he watched Meet The…

11 years ago

Democrats Dance Around Protecting the Right To Choose Out Fear of the Extreme Right

In Congress and Republican-controlled states, and instead of decrying the loss of choice, Democrats dance around the issue out of…

12 years ago

Rick Perry Takes A Very Personal Cheap Shot at Wendy Davis

Rick Perry takes it very personally what choices Wendy Davis and her mother have made and demands that all women…

12 years ago

Texas Fertilizer Plant Owners Hid Info That Could Have Prevented The Explosion

The West, TX fertilizer plant's owners deliberately concealed information from the Department of Homeland Security that may have prevented the…

12 years ago

Texas Is Anti-EPA and Their Citizens Have Paid With Their Lives

A self-inspected Fertilizer Company storing Anhydrous Ammonia blew up Wednesday killing and injuring around 200. OSHA last inspected 2007

12 years ago

Now That He Needs Disaster Relief, Barack Obama Is Rick Perry’s New Best Friend

Now that he needs disaster relief after the fertilizer plant explosion in West, TX, Gov. Rick Perry is full of…

12 years ago

Rick Perry Decides That Everyone in Texas Opposes Same Sex Marriage

Rick Perry thinks that he speaks for everyone in the state of Texas, because the governor declared to reporters that…

12 years ago

Jerry Brown Says Rick Perry’s Criticism is ‘Not a burp. It’s barely a fart’

In reaction to Gov. Perry's attempt to woo business away from California, Gov. Brown told reporters, 't's not a serious…

12 years ago

Red states are making a decision that could cost some residents their lives

Many right-wing state governors are opting out of the ACA Medicaid expansion opportunity. Too much money say their governors. That's…

12 years ago

Pushing Back against George Will’s Half Truths and Lies About Elizabeth Warren

George Will writes about an agency founded and briefly run by newly-elected Senator Elizabeth Warren. Will tells many half-truths and…

12 years ago

Fundamentalists Admit They Prayed for Obama’s Defeat and God Said No

James Dobson determined that Obama's defeat means we are living in a time of judgment and that God can make…

12 years ago

ReBiblican vs. Republican – The Difference is Extremism

This effort is dedicated to exposing extremist politicians and their funding sources that are immersed in ultra conservative Christian Dominionist…

12 years ago

Texas Declares War on UN Vote Monitors

Texas says to hell with international treaties and has threatened legal action against OCSE observers if they watch Texas suppress…

12 years ago

Can Reality Be Prayed Away? Fundamentalists Say Yes

Harry Jackson said he cursed the Washington Blade, a gay newspaper, out of existence. But the Blade is still there.…

12 years ago

John Bolton Says Obama Planning Blasphemy Laws to Protect Islam

It's probably needed but Obama is not going to do it, and why are we even talking about something like…

12 years ago

Romney Throws Details out Window, Turns to God

Mitt Romney has never been very specific about what he would do as president to "fix" things. He just says…

12 years ago

Christian End-Time Fantasies Endanger Us All

Christian end time fantasies are not limited to the world of fiction; these people get elected to office and influence,…

12 years ago

Texas A&M Shooting is More Blood of Innocent Victims on NRA and Right Wingers

It is not a coincidence that many of the recent wave of shootings, including the one near Texas A&M, were…

12 years ago

Dogma and Expediency War for Conservative Christian Hearts and Minds

For years we've been told Obama's Christianity matters but where Romney's Mormonism comes in, will expediency win out over dogma…

12 years ago

The Response To Stir Up Extremists in Kansas City

After underwhelming Houston, Iowa, South Carolina and Florida, The Response is bringing its brand of extremist Christianity to Kansas City…

12 years ago

Republican Governors Declare Independence from Human Compassion

Unsatisfied with their callous performances as governors, some of the GOP's cruelest politicians have ratcheted up their psychopath game to…

12 years ago

Loving Christian Employer Insults and Fires Employees

Ryan Tate, president of a Christian-based Oklahoma publishing company which claims to obey Jesus' words, first insulted then fired employees

13 years ago

Has The Romney Express Already Run Out of Gas?

Mitt Romney is a few votes short of making his Republican nomination for president official, but thanks to a lack…

13 years ago

Rick Santorum is a Hateful Master of Deceit

Rick Santorum is fast setting new lows in his disdain for honesty, choosing instead the path of deceit, expressing hatred…

13 years ago

High Pucker Factors Are Not Just for Caliphates Anymore

Republicans insist we must fear the specter of an world Islamic Caliphate while ignoring the dangers of a Christian theocracy…

13 years ago

Republicans Poised To Elevate Anybody But Mitt In Missouri And Minnesota

How time flies as the Republicans gift us with two more caucuses and a non-binding primary. The Missouri primary features…

13 years ago

It is Time for the Mainstream Media to Talk Religion and Politics

The mainstream media's reluctance to talk about religion and politics with regard to America's problems and possible solutions is troubling

13 years ago

Cults of Personality – The GOP’s 2012 Narratives

The Republican presidential hopefuls have established cults of personality in line with Max Weber's model of charismatic leadership

13 years ago

Ralph Reed Seeks Resurrection as Republican Kingmaker

While so many Republicans rush toward self-martyrdom, one, Ralph Reed, is headed in the other direction – toward resurrection in…

13 years ago

Rick Perry’s New Enemy – America’s Ally Turkey

In the latest gaffe by a GOP presidential hopeful, Rick Perry singled out America's ally Turkey, claiming it is led…

13 years ago

5 Reasons To Be Glad You Didn’t Watch The South Carolina Republican Debate

The South Carolina debate audience cheered child labor, and four other reasons to be glad you didn't watch the Fox…

13 years ago

Jon Hunstman–The Next ‘At Least He’s Not Romney?’

Since Republicans seem to love spreading the anti-Romney wealth around (socialists!), it leaves us with an obvious question: Is it…

13 years ago

When Will 61 Degrees in Minot ND Mean Global Warming is Real?

We can laugh at Sean Hannity every time he says cold weather in winter disproves global warming but what does…

13 years ago

5 Reasons To Be Glad You Didn’t Watch The Meet The Press Debate

Shame on the American media, for giving no time to recover from last night's GOP debate. Here are five reasons…

13 years ago

5 Reasons To Be Glad You Didn’t Watch The New Hampshire GOP Debate

Mitt Romney thinks America would be stronger if gay people didn't raise kids, and four other reasons to be glad…

13 years ago

Why Winning a Caucus in Iowa is a Loss Nationally

With the Iowa Caucus upon us we can see that the GOP has become trapped by its own extreme narrative,…

13 years ago

Iowa: What To Expect On Caucus Night And After

There is no better moment to make predictions than hours before they can be tested. That in mind, what follows…

13 years ago

Texas Governor Rick Perry Dreams of a Second Mexican War

Rick Perry is talking about a Second Mexican War à la Zachary Taylor and the Halls of Montezuma. Maybe he…

14 years ago

The GOP’s Unconstitutional Remedies

The American Revolution ended British rule; the Constitution created the United States of America, and that creation did not all…

14 years ago