Democrats Prepare To Sue After Treasury Refuses To Turn Over Trump’s Tax Returns
House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) said that he is talking to counsel after the White House refused to turn over Trump’s tax returns.
House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) said that he is talking to counsel after the White House refused to turn over Trump’s tax returns.
Democrats have vowed to obtain Donald Trump’s tax returns this year. And they know this is politically popular, as the majority of American voters also want to see the president’s returns and what they will show us about his foreign entanglements, the size of his fortune, and even if he has been a tax cheat….
Democrats on virtually every committee in the House of Representatives are ready to take control now that they find themselves in the majority after the midterms. After nearly a decade in the minority and two years with no power to pursue oversight of the Trump administration, Democrats have prepared themselves to be the ones in…
Democrats are turning up the pressure as Americans across the country are demanding to see Trump’s tax returns after his summit fiasco with Putin.