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Liberal and Conservative Myths about Health Care Reform

The one reality about the healthcare reform debate is that both the liberal and the conservative arguments contain their share of myths. From the right we are told that malpractice lawsuits cause the enormous increases in heathcare costs, and from the left we are told that cost increase due to health insurance company bureaucracies, but neither of these claims are true.

Fringe Group Attacks MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow

The Western Journalism Center, a right wing group that is most famous for push Vince Foster conspiracy theories, has put out a You Tube video calling Rachel Maddow a liar, because she correctly pointed out on Meet the Press that MoveOn.org never ran an ad that compared George W. Bush to Hitler. The problem is that they are wrong. MoveOn never ran the ad.

Rachel Maddow is Becoming MSNBC’s Biggest Star

On Meet the Press today, it wasn’t Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann, or Chris Matthews that was giving the progressive perspective on health care, but it was Rachel Maddow, who has seen her ratings soar as the nation debates health care reform. Maddow’s show has been rivaling Olbermann’s program as the top draw on MSNBC, and she could become the network’s biggest star.

CNN’s Lou Dobbs Calls MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow a Lunatic

After MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow mocked CNN’s Lou Dobbs for calling her the, “tea bagger queen” yesterday on her show, Dobbs fired back today on his show. He referred to Maddow as, “a lunatic among the lily livered, limp minded, lefty lemmings.” Dobbs, who has “questions” about Obama’s citizenship, thinks Maddow is mentally unstable. That’s a laugh.

Yes, Big Brother is Watching You

With the revelation that the CIA’s domestic spying program is bigger than we ever thought, it is clear that there are a lot of very busy people, poking around in our daily business. We can only hope that not only are there many many people watching us, but that some of them might actually be watching the bad guys, the dangerous terrorists.

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