Republican Senatorial Committee

As Early Voting Starts, Democrat Michelle Nunn Pulls Ahead by 3 Points in Georgia

As Early Voting Starts, Democrat Michelle Nunn Pulls Ahead by 3 Points in Georgia

Democrat Michelle Nunn is leading her Republican opponent for the first time in the Georgia Senate race. Nunn leads Perdue…

10 years ago

The Republican Party Is On the Run and Abandoning the Michigan Senate Race

The national Republican Party is pulling out of the Michigan Senate race, and trying to spin their retreat as a…

10 years ago

Despite Being A Huge Part Of It, Ted Cruz Hypocritically Complains About ‘DC Machine’

On Monday evening, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) appeared on The Mark Levin Show to discuss, among other things, the recent…

10 years ago

Congress and Backroom Trade Pacts Grease Skids for FedEx at the Expense of the USPS

If I have a cause as a contributing writer to PoliticusUSA, it is to expose the ongoing and relentless attempts…

11 years ago

Even Scarborough Sees that Romney Needs to Demand Mourdock Take Down the Ad

Even Joe Scarborough slammed Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's rape comments and said that Romney should come out stronger against…

12 years ago