Republicans Pass Bill To Roll Back Key Environmental And Consumer Protections
The GOP move hampers the government’s ability to protect “public health and safety, the environment, workplace safety and consumer financial protections.”
The GOP move hampers the government’s ability to protect “public health and safety, the environment, workplace safety and consumer financial protections.”
“In 2007 I was alarmed and called for addressing risks of derivatives, cracking down on subprime mortgages and improving financial oversight.”
Paul Ryan wants to use the the Congressional Review Act to prevent the president from saving the American people from corporate tyranny
At a time when Republicans and their money-machine the Koch brothers are waging a ferocious battle to put a stop to clean and renewable energy, and oppose any and all regulations on fossil fuels, another man-made disaster in West Virginia reveals why dirty fossil fuels are a clear and present danger to Americans’ health.
The fact that not adhering to regulations kills workers never seems to bother Republicans, or their business sector supporters which is why they vehemently oppose regulations; especially those enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Before 2007, American corporations left the United States and relocated to higher tax and higher regulated countries. This proves that wages not regulations drove manufacturing overseas.