John Boehner Blames EPA for Toxic Spill Caused by Lack of Regulation
The EPA triggered a toxic leak, but the pollution it unleashed is the result of an unregulated mining industry that can be traced to Congress
The EPA triggered a toxic leak, but the pollution it unleashed is the result of an unregulated mining industry that can be traced to Congress
House Republicans want us to believe that by gutting Wall Street reform, we can somehow end bailouts and have a healthier economy
Why is it easier to buy ammunition for my rifle than it is for U.S. citizens to vote?
House Speaker John Boehner spins his tired old talking points, a more than metaphorical raspberry to any real discussion of either problems or possible solutions
You hear a lot of talk about the evils of big government and federal regulations but damned if both groups don’t like a healthy dollop of regulation as well. Ultra-conservatives want the government to regulate our sex lives and ultra-liberals want the government to regulate what we can eat.
Conservatives often confuse the concept of big government with regulation, but as they rail against government regulation and what they see as control of our lives. They don’t mind the corporations controlling our lives but then conservatives have always been big friends of corporate interests rather than the common good.