Rasmussen reports

Even Trump’s Favorite Poll Shows Him Losing To Joe Biden By 10

Even Trump’s Favorite Poll Shows Him Losing To Joe Biden By 10

Trump loves to tweet out the Rasmussen Reports Poll, but he won't be tweeting the new one that shows him…

4 years ago

Trump So Desperate For Praise That He’s Bragging About A Poll Showing 53% Disapproval Rating

The poll Trump bragged about on Thursday shows that 53 percent of the country thinks he hasn't done a good…

7 years ago

Trump In Free Fall As His Favorite Poll Shows Approval Rating In The 30s For The First Time

Not only are Trump's numbers continuing to fall, even with his favorite pollster, but the passion and energy are clearly…

7 years ago

Insecure Trump Retweets Old Junk Poll To Make Himself Feel Better About Plummeting Approval

Polls showing the president this close to a majority approval rating are impossible to come by because they don't exist,…

8 years ago