public land

Mormon Republicans Continue Bundy’s War On Americans’ Public Lands

Mormon Republicans Continue Bundy’s War On Americans’ Public Lands

Mormon Rob Bishop (R-UT) wants to deliver America’s public lands, national parks, forests, and wilderness areas to Koch Industries’ control

9 years ago

Koch Brothers Are Ramping Up To Eliminate National Parks And Seize Federal Lands

a Koch and ExxonMobil-funded organization is calling for an end to national parks and privatization of all federally-owned land.

9 years ago

Colorado Republicans Are Pushing Koch Legislation To Seize Federal Land

It is unclear how a state can have "joint jurisdiction" over land it does not own and has no claim…

10 years ago

The Wheel of Justice is Catching Up To Bundy Anti-Government Supporters

The Bureau of Land Management finally took action against another group of anti-government activists who blatantly trespassed on federal land…

10 years ago