Tagged politics


Georgia’s Real Mama Grizzlies Stand Up Against Nathan Deal

In Georgia, Real Women – more than 20,000 of them – are Real Mad about Nathan Deal’s history of failing to vote to protect women. In politics, the tide can turn quickly, and you never know what might cause the change. Given the state’s red hue, the Governor’s race is Georgia should have been easy pickings for Republicans. Instead, it’s proving to be a tough slog as an ethically-challenged former congressman, Nathan Deal (R), takes on a well-funded former governor, Roy Barnes.


Poll: California’s Prop 19 Has Young Voters Fired Up

An advanced look at a survey of California done by Public Policy Polling revealed that while Prop 19 is not the top reason why people are voting this year, it is inspiring young people to vote. 34% of those who described themselves as enthusiastic about voting for 19 are under age 30, and 64% are under age 45. These younger voters also favor Democrats Barbara Boxer and Jerry Brown by 34 and 36 points each.


Rachel Maddow Explains How the Media Misdiagnosed the 2010 Election

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was on Meet The Press today, where she explained how the media got the 2010 election narrative about Democrats staying home all wrong. Maddow said, I think that the initial diagnosis that Democrats don’t care… that they weren’t going to be able to get off their hands and actually get out to the polls this year has turned out to be a little bit of, a little bit wrong.”


Bill Maher Explains Why the Tea Party is Not You

On HBO program Real Time, host Bill Maher took a few minutes to explain why the Tea Party is not in step with regular Americans. Maher used polling data to illustrate the fact that a majority of Americans disagree with the Tea Party on climate change, health care, immigration and gay marriage. Maher point was that the Tea Party does not represent the views of a majority of Americans.


Fox News Accuses NPR of Offensive and Biased Coverage

Today on Fox and Friends Fox News continued the right wing attack on NPR, as they now claimed that George Soros got Juan Williams fired because he recently donated $1.8 million to NPR. Steve Doocy claimed that, “NPR has a bone to pick and an axe to grind with Fox News.” Brian Kilmeade accused NPR of, “a history of biased and offensive coverage.”


Irish Government Turns a Blind Eye To Bankers’ Crimes

Even if Fianna Fail were able to muster the political will, it would be a monumental task for the State to prosecute bankers of the failed Irish zombie banks, notably Anglo-Irish, because proof thresholds required in white collar crime cases are extremely high in Ireland. In fact, the Irish Independent reports in the same article that Ireland has never seen a successful prosecution for insider trading. Ever.


Jesse Ventura Slams Sarah Palin For Screwing Alaska

Former pro wrestler, actor, governor of Minnesota, and current television host Jesse Ventura held nothing back in an interview with Fancast when asked about Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. Ventura said he would never support the Tea Party because of Palin, and added, “She saw greener pastures, said, Screw the people of Alaska, and went on to collect.”


Rich Iott, Tea Party Candidate, Pals Around in Nazi Uniform

You can see him there with his SS pals, smiling for the camera, just like all those photos of SS guys and their pals from the 30s and 40s, smiling for the camera. It was guys in those uniforms, you see, who upheld another, earlier form of purity standard, killing millions of Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals and other “deviants” as designated by their ultra-conservative leadership.


Has Rachel Maddow Become MSNBC’s #1 Show?

While looking through the past couple of weeks of prime time cable news ratings, I noticed something interesting. Keith Olbermann’s Countdown is no longer the dominate show on the network. Olbermann’s program is being challenged for in house supremacy by The Rachel Maddow Show. Maddow has been running neck and neck with or defeating Countdown on a regular basis.


Sarah Palin is Glenn Beck’s Most Dangerous Disciple

Bryon Williams the man who is sitting in a California jail currently accused of four counts attempted murder after a freeway shootout with police had even bigger plans, he wanted to assassinate member of the Tides Foundation, and he considers Glenn Beck his schoolteacher. Do you know who else said in a speech that they consider Glenn Beck and his chalkboard a teacher? Sarah Palin.


Religious Fundamentalism Defies Simple Answers

CNN reports that the Catholic Church is concerned about the sustainability of Christian communities (most of them not Catholic) in the Middle East. The fear is that Islamic fundamentalism poses a threat to their survival. What is interesting from the perspective of the American political/religious landscape is the reason given for this Islamic threat, and that is that “Oftentimes, relations between Christians and Muslims are difficult, principally because Muslims make no distinction between religion and politics.”


Sharron Angle’s Trail Of Bigotry Slimes Dearborn, Michigan

Republican Senatorial candidate Sharron Angle is fear-mongering in her incoherent way again. This time she’s hitting on Dearborn, Michigan, suggesting there is a “militant terrorist” situation in Dearborn as they are under Sharia law. This, of course, is patently ridiculous. Dearborn Michigan is a city outlying the larger city of Detroit and the hometown of Henry Ford, as well as headquarters of the Ford Motor Company. It’s also home to our current Miss America, who happens to be a Muslim. Dearborn has a large, thriving Muslim community. Shiver me timbers.


Rachel Maddow Urges Democrats to Grow a Pair

On her program tonight, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow urged Democrats to get their act together and stop campaigning in fear. Maddow argued that Democrats can win based on their accomplishments, “Imagine what it would look like if they started to campaign on the actual accomplishments they accomplished.” In short, Democrats need to grow a pair.


Glenn Beck Teabags Star Wars

On his radio show today Glenn Beck and his crew claimed that the perfect movie for these teabagging times is Star Wars. Beck managed to turn Star Wars in into a Tea Party epic. Beck said, “Wow, is it a appropriate story for today. My gosh, the Republic is going down. The Empire is starting.”


Things the Culture Warriors Don’t Want You to Know

Culture warrior Dan Coats is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Democrat Brad Ellsworth, 8th District, Indiana. Coats claim is that he is for Hoosier values and this seems to be his clarion call. However, upon examination Coats’ values appeal more to the pro-business, Christian conservative, anti-LGBT and anti-choice crowd than they do to average Joes.


Fox News Personally Attacks Jon Stewart

On Fox News Watch today, Fox contributor Jim Pinkerton upped the ante and personally attacked Jon Stewart as a demagogue. Pinkerton compared Stewart to Lonesome Rhodes by saying, “Five words A Face In The Crowd, the 1950’s movie starring Andy Griffith…about a talk show host who then thought he was a political and a demagogue.”


Sarah Palin is Now As Popular As BP

A new Public Policy Polling survey of undecided voters released today shows that Sarah Palin’s “leadership” may cause GOP candidates around the country to crash and burn in both 2010 and 2012. The survey revealed that 65% of undecided voters disapprove of Palin, while only 17% approve of her. To put this into context, BP has a 16% approval rating.

Obama at CNBC town hall

Obama Sets a Tea Party Trap

President Obama participated in CNBC’s Investing in America Town Hall today where he called out the Tea Party and told them to get specific about exactly what spending they would cut. Obama said, “It’s not enough just to say get control of spending. I think it’s important for you to say I’m willing to cut veteran’s benefits, or I willing to cut Medicare or Social Security benefits.”

Palin wrestles reality

When You’re Sarah Palin, Reality Bites

I was having a great day today, all chilling out and lovin’ life, when I ran smack dab into Sarah Palin’s twitter bunker wherein she claims she never, ever told O’Donnell to speak only to Fox News. Sarah is super mad at the “lame stream media” and is askin’ them super nice like to “report the truth”, like the troops are over in the Iraq fightin’ for.

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