Sarah Palin Says President Obama is Flirting With the Devil
Sarah Palin warns that in his dealings with Iran that Obama is flirting with the devil…but wait…isn’t Obama the devil?
Sarah Palin warns that in his dealings with Iran that Obama is flirting with the devil…but wait…isn’t Obama the devil?
Libertarian-style conservatism has its limits in the town that launched Sarah Palin’s career. They draw the line at pot brownies.
“You know, reverse them. It is they who point a finger who don’t realize they have triple that number of fingers pointing right back at them”
In an ‘exclusive’ article for, the former half-term Governor of Alaska wrote that the President needs to be removed from office due to the crisis at the border involving tens of thousands of refugees, most of them children, who are trying to escape violent conditions in Central America.
After Obama left Americans for “destroyed”, the press is just now waking up, according to Sarah Palin, who is still free after all of these many years of traitor-adjacent behavior to write and speak as she pleases.
“The war on Christmas is just the tip of the spear in a larger battle to marginalize expressions of faith and make America’s true religious freedom just a thing of the past,”
On behalf of those who are trampling their rights, Palin convinces people that somebody else is is responsible. She pronounces evil with a smile
A new poll by Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows that not only are Alaskans done with Palin, but Clinton could win the state by 16 points were she to run in 2016.
In a desperate attempt to blame President Obama for the violence in the Middle East, Sarah Palin claimed that the Innocence of Muslims is a phantom video.