New York Times

Paul Krugman Get It Mostly Right About Why Republicans Doom Earth’s Population

Paul Krugman Get It Mostly Right About Why Republicans Doom Earth’s Population

According to Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman, Republicans will go to any length to stop American involvement in a climate deal…

9 years ago

CBS News Only Mainstream Media Outlet Sunday to Ignore Benghazi Whistleblower Podliska

Everyone ought to be talking about Major Bradley Podliska, and everyone did Sunday, except for CBS News, which preferred Donald…

9 years ago

Even Republicans Think That Marco Rubio’s Financial Scandal Is A Big Problem

Several Republican strategists are saying that the scandal involving Marco Rubio's debt and personal finances is legitimate and could be…

10 years ago

Study: Thirty-five Years of Conservative Policies Contributed to Violence In Baltimore

The problem with the Republicans' argument and lies, and there are many, is that statistics continue to prove that conservative…

10 years ago

Friday Fox Follies – And, They’re Off And Running

During a week when both Tea Party darling Marco Rubio and Fox "News" nemesis Hillary "Benghazi" Clinton announced they are…

10 years ago

Obama Relents and Gives Congress Veto Power Over Iran Nuclear Deal

The current President, Barack Obama, will go down in history for providing tens-of-millions of Americans with access to affordable health…

10 years ago

Supply Side Nightmare As Bobby Jindal Pushes Louisiana Into The Fiscal Abyss

Bobby Jindal's Louisiana is facing a 1.6 billion dollar budget shortfall next year, and comparable deficits for the years to…

10 years ago

No, Black Cops Acting Like White Cops Doesn’t Debunk Police Racism

On Monday, New York Times columnist Charles Blow reminded the nation, that being black in America has consequences when African-Americans…

10 years ago

Get Covered Illinois Uses Humor To Upend Republican Obamacare Lies

The timing seems like it couldn't be better for this clever ad from Get Covered Illinois, the Land of Lincoln's…

10 years ago

Uh Oh! Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Meeting Spells Trouble For GOP Energy Platform

Pundits and lay people alike seem to agree that while we shouldn't expect an overnight turnaround in global energy policy,…

10 years ago

Who’s Responsible For The Media’s Ebola Malpractice? We Are

The Ebola crisis in West Africa is a deadly serious threat. But for many reasonable, concerned Americans it's become difficult…

10 years ago

No Time Like The Present: Why Historical Midterm Voting Patterns Could Mean A November Upset

Midterms tend to be viewed, both individually and in the eyes of media pundits, as a referendum on the sitting…

10 years ago

Thomas B. Edsall Gives Voice to Rare Breed: GOP Defectors

For years now, we've watched the Republican Party degrade from a once viable conservative response to liberal philosophy, into an…

11 years ago

Democrats Need To Rally Around the Issue of Income Inequality in America

As sick as we might all be of partisan infighting, this is a battle we need to have. This isn't…

11 years ago

Fox News Uses ‘Knockout Game’ to Stoke Racial Fears Among Viewers

For the past week plus, many of the afternoon and evening talk shows on Fox have devoted quite a bit…

11 years ago

Senator Elizabeth Warren And The New Economic Populism

Will Senator Elizabeth Warren's political economic populist movement change US economics and politics now and in the future?

11 years ago

Have Decades of GOP Deregulation & Safety Net Gutting Made Depression the New Normal?

Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is never afraid to ask the tough questions. Though his…

11 years ago

Does de Blasio Victory in NYC Offer Post-Racial Blueprint for American Cities?

In recent decades (starting with the ascent of former President William J. Clinton to the White House in 1992), "true"…

11 years ago

Are We Safe From Congress? Senator Orrin Hatch And The Politics Of Vitamins

The Senior Senator from Utah is endangering lives by putting his personal gain before the public's health.

11 years ago

Joe Biden, Rand Paul and Plagiarism – False Equivalence Run Amok

With the outing of Rand Paul's alleged serial plagiarism gathering steam his supporters are weighing in on social media. To…

11 years ago

Even Frank Luntz Can’t Put the Broken Republican Message Machine Back Together Again

Republican spin master Frank Luntz thinks the Republican Party can fix its public image by using better language to connect…

12 years ago

Romney’s Tax Plan Turns the Laws of Mathematics on their Head

Ask yourself why the laws of mathematics work differently for Mitt Romney than for the rest of the universe before…

12 years ago

Rick Santorum Loses His Religion, and Exposes the Bulls**t Behind His Campaign

Rick Santorum exploded in rage calling a reporter's question bulls**t and then claimed he had been "aggressively attacked," but the…

13 years ago