Neal Katyal

Trump Could Be Federally Indicted For His Attempted Coup This Week

Trump Could Be Federally Indicted For His Attempted Coup This Week

Former Solicitor General Neal Katyal expressed that belief that it is likely Trump will be federally indicted in the 1/6…

1 year ago

WATCH: Neal Katyal Roasts Trump on Tax Return Decision, “He Finally Found a Draft He Couldn’t Dodge”

Donald Trump is currently ensnared in so many different legal entanglements that it's becoming hard to keep track. But at…

3 years ago

WATCH: Former WH Lawyer Neal Katyal Explains Why Capitol Police Suit Could Spell Significant Trouble for Trump

When Donald Trump was sitting in the White House, he was protected from all kinds of legal jeopardy. But now…

4 years ago

WATCH: Legal Expert Neal Katyal Explains Why Trump’s Supreme Court Gambit Will Fail

Donald Trump was hoping to win enough electoral college votes to win the White House on Tuesday night. He was…

4 years ago

Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Rips Trump in Washington Post Op-ed

George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, is continuing his attacks on President Donald Trump, which apparently…

6 years ago

Hawaii Attorney Against Muslim Ban Thanks Trump For Twitter Meltdown That Helps His Case

The lead attorney for the State of Hawaii versus Trump thanked the President Monday morning for acting as their co-counsel…

8 years ago