Tagged mueller


House Democrats Will Subpoena Mueller Report on Wednesday

House Democrats say they will vote on Wednesday to subpoena Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s complete report. They also will subpoena Mueller’s underlying evidence files and other materials, according to CNN. https://twitter.com/CNNNewsource/status/1112709430125215744 Leading Democrats in Congress have been saying for the past week that they are tired of Attorney General Bill Barr’s games. And now they…


Pelosi Blasts Republicans for Being Afraid of Truth and Competence

By Patricia Zengerle and Andy Sullivan WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump‘s Republican allies tangled with one of Trump‘s most prominent Democratic critics during a chaotic congressional hearing on Thursday and the U.S. attorney general revealed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s Russia inquiry report is more than 300 pages long. Hours after Trump went on…


Mueller Stands Strong As Trump Attacks Backfire

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll is in line with other recent polling that shows Trump‘s attacks on Mueller are backfiring. The Washington Post reported: 63 percent of Americans support Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, with 52 percent saying they support it strongly; 29 percent oppose the probe. Opinions on Mueller’s…


Trump’s Outrageous Comments Should Outrage Us More

We have previously reported that while in Michigan Saturday night for an unnecessary campaign rally, President Trump attacked Senator Jon Tester of Montana, and that Senator Elizabeth Warren has announced she is going to help Tester with fundraising. But given all the controversy and outrage over comedian Michelle Wolf’s comments at the White House Correspondents’…


Comey Dismisses GOP Report Finding No Collusion With Russia

On Sunday talk shows former FBI Director James Comey completely dismissed and derided the Republicans’ House Intelligence Committee report that said there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Comey said Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press that he considers the report, issued Friday by Republicans, to be a “political document.”  He expressed his opinion…


Republican Report May Provide Proof of Trump Treason

When Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee on Friday released a report on Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election, we learned more information about the famous Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016 that takes away any doubt that the Trump presidential campaign colluded with Russia to help Trump get elected. Thanks to this report, we also learned…


Trump Got $150,000 in 2015 From A Ukrainian Billionaire

In September of 2015, during the early stages of Donald Trump’s campaign for the U.S. presidency, Ukrainian billionaire and steel magnate Victor Pinchuk donated $150,000 to the Donald J. Trump Foundation. Usually Ukrainian billionaires — especially those with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin — do not just give money away without some ulterior motive. …


Opinion: Trump Spin Tactics Are A Clear Sign Of His Guilt

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is closing in on Donald Trump, and like a wounded animal, Trump is doing everything conceivable to survive. Trump has returned to his familiar playbook of lies, distraction, and distortion to delude Americans and shift the searing light of suspicion from himself onto Hillary Clinton. From the outset of this investigation, Donald Trump has behaved like a guilty man, and nothing has changed to alter that perception. The president has conducted himself like a criminal throughout his campaign and presidency.

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