
Utah Is In Play For Clinton As Mormon Anti-Trump Candidate Qualifies For Ballot

Utah Is In Play For Clinton As Mormon Anti-Trump Candidate Qualifies For Ballot

Even without a spoiler candidate, the presidential race in Utah has been competitive.

8 years ago

A Tea Party Fascist Will Be Second In Line To the Presidency By Halloween

The two leading candidates for House speaker are mirror images and both will dutifully follow the Ted Cruz shut-down-the-government agenda

9 years ago

The Mormon Church’s Etch-a-Sketched Doctrine on Blacks

The Mormon Church has had to Etch-a-Sketch a doctrine on blacks to save their tax exempt status, and hide their…

13 years ago

Don’t Be Distracted by Faux Stay-at-Home “Momney” Issue

“Moms Do Work”…this is the newly created bumper sticker phrase manufactured by the Mitt Romney campaign on the heels of…

13 years ago