
Colorado Republicans Are Pushing Koch Legislation To Seize Federal Land

Colorado Republicans Are Pushing Koch Legislation To Seize Federal Land

It is unclear how a state can have "joint jurisdiction" over land it does not own and has no claim…

10 years ago

New York Bans Fracking Due to Health Risks – Wisconsin Bans Fracking Regulation Due To Greed

Republicans depend on lies and deceit to convince their ignorant base to support dangerous policies, and it is why they…

10 years ago

Republicans Hit a New Low With Claim The Clean Water Act Is An EPA Land Grab Scheme

Republicans have claimed the new rules are a devious EPA scheme to seize private citizens' land, and issued letter to…

10 years ago

Cliven Bundy Republicans Campaign To Seize and Sell Off Federal Land

Now, there is a serious movement among Republicans who embrace Bundy's claim the federal government is forbidden from owning land…

10 years ago

Sierra Club: End Coal Fire Plant but Not Mountaintop Removal?

. Sierra's Beyond Coal project does only so much, and it has not recognized to date that ending Mountaintop Removal…

12 years ago