Michele Bachmann

Now that Michele Bachmann is Washed Up, The GOP Throws Her to the Wolves

The Republican-led House is allowing an investigation into Bachmann's ethics at the same time as the party would be better…

12 years ago
The Media Doesn’t Get That Bachmann’s Benghazi Conspiracy is as Crazy as Her Obama Lies

The Media Doesn’t Get That Bachmann’s Benghazi Conspiracy is as Crazy as Her Obama Lies

Michele Bachmann dodged, and literally ran away from questions about her CPAC Obama lies by pivoting to Benghazi conspiracies.

12 years ago

Michele Bachmann Refuses to Pay Employees Unless They Promise to Hide Illegal Activities

Americans should be asking themselves this weekend why Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is refusing to pay five of her staffers for…

12 years ago

The GOP Needs to Shed its God Problem Before it’s Too Late

The Republican Party needs to shed its God problem before its unhealthy obsession destroys America

12 years ago

Pushing Back against George Will’s Half Truths and Lies About Elizabeth Warren

George Will writes about an agency founded and briefly run by newly-elected Senator Elizabeth Warren. Will tells many half-truths and…

12 years ago

Was Election Night a Mandate for the Status Quo?

America won four more years for President Obama, but did we issue a mandate for change or for the status…

12 years ago

Michele Bachmann’s Campaign Filings Disprove Her Job Creator Claims

Bachmann just released a new ad claiming that she is a job creator fighting for Minnesota jobs, but her campaign…

12 years ago

The GOP’s Blatant Support for Theocracy

The GOP has surrendered its platform to the most extremist elements within the Religious Right and offers a candidate who…

12 years ago

Bye Bye Crazy Eyes: Poll Finds Democrat in Position to Defeat Michele Bachmann

A new poll suggests that tea party darling Michele Bachmann is in serious danger of losing her House seat to…

12 years ago

Christian End-Time Fantasies Endanger Us All

Christian end time fantasies are not limited to the world of fiction; these people get elected to office and influence,…

12 years ago

Dogma and Expediency War for Conservative Christian Hearts and Minds

For years we've been told Obama's Christianity matters but where Romney's Mormonism comes in, will expediency win out over dogma…

12 years ago

Casualties of Divide and Conquer

As I write, we know that the president of the Sikh temple was shot, and a Granthi of the Temple was…

12 years ago

How Michele Bachmann Profited off her Islamophobic McCarthyism

Michele Bachmann was spanked by her party leadership but got herself appointed to an Islamophobic law center and hauled in…

12 years ago

Cantor’s Defense of Bachmann Reveals the Hypocrisy of his Embrace of Diversity

CBS' Charlie Rose asked Cantor how his views on tolerance squared with Bachmann's attack on Huma Abedin. Cantor's response was…

12 years ago

Having Backed Herself into McCarthy’s Corner, Bachmann Lashes Out

Michele Bachmann's anti-Muslim witch-hunt has backfired, drawing condemnation from fellow Republicans and mockery from the Muslim Brotherhood

12 years ago

Fear Factor: The Conservative Christian Crusade Against Mormonism

When one scary religion tries to make another sound scary, it's time to step back and take stock of the…

12 years ago

Michele Bachmann Uses Info From a Chain Email to Lie about ObamaCare Home Sale Tax

Michele Bachmann turned up on Piers Morgan Tonight touting a 3.8% ObamaCare tax on home sales. The problem is that…

12 years ago

Says the GOP Proverb, Dickishness is Next to Thuggishness

Republicans Allen West and Grover Norquist have proved an old truth of totalitarianism, that dickishness is next to thuggishness

13 years ago

Women Are the Key to Restoring Our Political Sanity

The U.S. government has been gridlocked since the Republicans captured the House. Only women voters can change that dynamic; men…

13 years ago

A Look at 30 Extremists Who Want to Destroy America

Southern Poverty Law Center offers a list of 30 New Activists Heading Up the Radical Right, who represent the worst…

13 years ago

Romney to Speak at Ralph Reed’s 2012 FFC Conference & Strategy Briefing

Ralph Reed wants to play Kingmaker like he did in 1994 and he has Mitt Romney lined up to slobber…

13 years ago

Michele Bachmann Tells Supporters of Trayvon Martin They’re Imagining Things

Michele Bachmann tried to defend Newt Gingrich's comments about the shooting of Trayvon Martin by accusing people of imagining what…

13 years ago

Rick Santorum is a Hateful Master of Deceit

Rick Santorum is fast setting new lows in his disdain for honesty, choosing instead the path of deceit, expressing hatred…

13 years ago

Republicans Poised To Elevate Anybody But Mitt In Missouri And Minnesota

How time flies as the Republicans gift us with two more caucuses and a non-binding primary. The Missouri primary features…

13 years ago

The Nevada Caucuses: Let The Horse-Trading Begin

When the horse trading starts, things could get squirrelly and unpredictable during the GOP's Nevada caucuses.

13 years ago

Cults of Personality – The GOP’s 2012 Narratives

The Republican presidential hopefuls have established cults of personality in line with Max Weber's model of charismatic leadership

13 years ago

Ralph Reed Seeks Resurrection as Republican Kingmaker

While so many Republicans rush toward self-martyrdom, one, Ralph Reed, is headed in the other direction – toward resurrection in…

13 years ago

Jon Hunstman–The Next ‘At Least He’s Not Romney?’

Since Republicans seem to love spreading the anti-Romney wealth around (socialists!), it leaves us with an obvious question: Is it…

13 years ago

Why Winning a Caucus in Iowa is a Loss Nationally

With the Iowa Caucus upon us we can see that the GOP has become trapped by its own extreme narrative,…

13 years ago

Iowa: What To Expect On Caucus Night And After

There is no better moment to make predictions than hours before they can be tested. That in mind, what follows…

13 years ago

Michele Bachmann and the Truth About Republican Spending

Michele Bachmann wants to “redefine” earmarks. Do a little tweaking here and there and you can spend wantonly yet present…

14 years ago

Michele Bachmann to Teach Ignorance of the Constitution

Michele Bachmann, who knows nothing about the Constitution, is going to recruit others who know nothing about the Constitution to…

14 years ago

Texas Governor Rick Perry Dreams of a Second Mexican War

Rick Perry is talking about a Second Mexican War à la Zachary Taylor and the Halls of Montezuma. Maybe he…

14 years ago

A Lesson for Americans: Reaping the Consequences of Hate

Words and actions have consequences, sometimes to the person who speaks, sometimes to the people spoken of. In an environment…

14 years ago

Christine O’Donnell Is You, But She Isn’t Running For You

God doesn’t get a vote in the United States. The people vote. You remember us, the people you are supposed…

14 years ago

The GOP is Living on a Prayer

The Republicans talk a lot about prayer, a natural off-shoot of their tendency to talk about God. If there was…

14 years ago

Conservative Blindness to the Line Between Fantasy and Fact Exposed…Again

Republican rhetoric has become so outrageous they have lost the ability to tell fact from fantasy. Clueless, they nod sagely…

14 years ago

The Republican War With Obama Becomes A War on America

Convinced that only conservatives have a right to rule, and that they are not a defeated political party but the…

14 years ago

Caucusing With Madness: Michele Bachmann and the Tea Party

The lunatics have assembled like hungry piranha around Tea Party caucus leader Michele Bachmann. Twenty-eight Republican members of the House…

14 years ago

God Might “Tap” Bachmann for President

Just because Michele has Crazy Eyes, doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love her. Not only does God love Bachmann, but…

15 years ago