Matt Barber Uses Subterfuge and Deception to “Prove” Subterfuge and Deception
Barber relies on discredited studies by discredited authors to attack gays but says a discredited study proves the gay agenda is counterfeit
Barber relies on discredited studies by discredited authors to attack gays but says a discredited study proves the gay agenda is counterfeit
Matt Barber of liberty counsel celebrates non-existent victories while looking for SCOTUS to let us do what Jesus said not to do
What emerges is Netanyahu as some sort of American super patriot for wanting to drag us into the war Republicans can’t, because Obama’s a bully
I’m not seeing anything remotely relevant or meaningful coming out of right wing circles any time soon, until they work out their sexual frustrations
Context is everything, and in willfully misrepresenting the past, Republicans create a false premise upon which to build their plans for the future
How long do you think it will be, if you can be murdered for being gay, before extremists go down the rest of the biblical list and find YOU there as well?
Linda Harvey complained that efforts by the CDC to prevent HIV with Truvada, a PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) drug, will lead to racial cleansing. This is no doubt true in the same way that flushing your toilet three times in a row, very fast, will make your Teddy Bear come alive.
Isn’t it a wee bit hypocritical to cry for tolerance of your own intolerance?
The Religious Right gets the Bible – and Jesus – wrong again and claims Jesus would defend Phil Robertson’s right to put words in his mouth
Tony Perkins said, ‘I think they are acting heroic, I think they are heroes. They are along the lines of the patriots who founded this nation’
Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel insists “Mr. Cruz emasculated, delightfully, Obama’s political yes-bots on both sides of the aisle.”
Obama administration is the “modern-day equivalent” of ancient Rome, where each citizen is made to worship Caesar with progressivism.
Fundamentalist Christianity is determined to turn not only our government, but more frighteningly, our military, into their tool
If you want to see what privatized relief would look like, think of Walmart. That’s the face of Republican disaster relief
For Thomas Jefferson, religious freedom was neither freedom to coerce nor a coerced mind, but rather a free mind
NBA player Jason Collins says he’s gay; the religious right says he is immoral and aberrant and so are we for supporting him
The NFL hates ’em, the GOP loves ’em: bad character guys. Who needs Nazis and the KKK? We already have the Republican Party.
Conservatives seem completely confused and befuddled by reality, as evidenced by Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber and his recent scree
Another one of the 24 percent tells the 76 percent to get out because America is THEIR country: white and Evangelical
Fundies claim failure to teach Christianity in public schools is mental molestation – say it ought to be punished like physical molestation
Matt Barber calls quotes anti-Constitutionalist Patrick Henry to defend the Constitution and to portray Obama as the anti-Constitutionalist
Apparently, President Obama has ripped away from imaginary protective layer over the White House for which surface-to-air missiles are no substitute