Tagged Kirstjen Nielsen


Sen Durbin Demands That DHS Secretary Nielsen Resign

The #2 ranking Senate Democrat has called upon Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Kirstjen Nielsen to resign, following the release of a government watchdog report. The report found that the Trump administration stole thousands more children under the “zero tolerance” policy than was previously known. “No one has been held accountable for this humanitarian disaster…


Nearly 20 ICE Special Agents Ask Nielsen to Eliminate ICE

Before the recent controversies over Donald Trump’s zero tolerance and family separation policies at the U.S. border, most Americans had never heard of an agency called Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  Now, however, ICE is well known and quite notorious, and is being blamed for implementing Trump’s draconian immigration policies. As a result of the…

Adam Schiff evidence Trump/Russia collusion

Trump Tried To Con America On Family Separations But He Just Got Busted By Adam Schiff

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) revealed that Trump’s executive order was a lie, and Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen privately told lawmakers that Trump is going to resume separating families at the border. Schiff tweeted: Secretary Nielsen privately told lawmakers the Administration may go back to separating children from their parents. Congress must ensure that NEVER happens….

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