ken Ham

Built With Tax Breaks , Ark Encounter Hires Only Christians but Scams All

Built With Tax Breaks , Ark Encounter Hires Only Christians but Scams All

Get ready to pay pay $40 for adults ($31 for seniors) and $28 for children. And that's besides the $10…

8 years ago

Bizarre Evangelical Theories Can’t Explain Away the Problem of Dinosaurs

Finding a place for dinosaurs and man has been a tough sell for Evangelicals, but do a couple of solutions…

9 years ago

Creationist Battle With Neil deGrasse Tyson of Cosmos Is Humiliating For America

The ongoing, and one-sided, battle between creationist Ken Ham of "Answers in Genesis" notoriety and highly-regarded astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson…

11 years ago