Tagged Kavanaugh confirmation


Misspelled Tweet From Donald Trump Jr. Is a Call to War

To read what Donald Trump Jr. tweeted you’d think that he and his father had lost their battle to confirm right-wing Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. After Senator Susan Collins finished her speech on the Senate floor yesterday, announcing her support for Brett Kavanaugh, the president’s namesake son posted the following: “Trump supporters…


Former Clerks and Classmates are Abandoning Kavanaugh

Law clerks usually love their bosses and have undying loyalty to them for their entire lives. But yesterday three former law clerks for Brett Kavanaugh wrote the Senate Judiciary Committee saying they are “deeply troubled” by the allegations of sexual assault against him. In a letter to the Judiciary panel on Tuesday, former clerks Will…


Maryland May Soon Begin Kavanaugh Criminal Investigation

Law enforcement officials in Maryland have issued a statement saying they are prepared to conduct a state-level criminal investigation into sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. However, they said, a victim must  come forward and request such an investigation. The statement, by Montgomery County Police Chief J. Thomas Manger and Montgomery County State’s Attorney…

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