John Kasich Tries to Teach the Bible to Talmudic Scholars
One can only picture the results of this cringe-worthy moment with President Kasich and a group of Muslims instead
One can only picture the results of this cringe-worthy moment with President Kasich and a group of Muslims instead
We can do better than a presidential candidate who embraces a fictional set of values and the need to send Elsa from Frozen back to hell
MIchele Bachmann shows what a true friend of Israel she is by calling for the conversion of the Jews as soon as possible
According to Michael Savage, Sanders is not only a “liberal weasel Jew” but secretly a front man for Clinton to make her look like a centrist
Conservative Christians want to be able to spew hate and lies but for nobody to have the right to disagree with or refute them
When Reshad Riddle gunned down his father at Church, he didn’t say his act was the will of atheism.
The NFL hates ’em, the GOP loves ’em: bad character guys. Who needs Nazis and the KKK? We already have the Republican Party.
Reality-challenged Joseph Farah of World Net Daily feels that inconvenient and uncongenial facts about ancient Israel are anti-Semitic.
Joseph Farah is putting up 10 Commandment billboards in “Sin City” – Las Vegas – and he wants your dollars to do it
So Ralph Reed of the misnamed Faith and Freedom Coalition, took exception to my findings yesterday, that the Bible is irrelevant as a determinant of United States immigration policy reform. He thinks he’s pretty clever and like any good conservative these days, goes right to invoking MLK: “So MLK was wrong to invoke the BIble &…
Ralph Reed, mistaking the Bible for the US Constitution, believes his holy book should govern US immigration policy
Oklahoma Pastor James Taylor says if you can refrigerate something (like shellfish) it isn’t an abomination anymore
The Republican Party needs to shed its God problem before its unhealthy obsession destroys America
There is no conceivable outcome in which GOP opposition to Chuck Hagel ends happily for Republicans
Joseph Farah wants you to believe an angry God is about to snuff us out, but first we have to survive the Republicans
Piers Morgan, already being attacked for his stance on guns, has truly thrown caution to the wind by proclaiming that the Bible is flawed and must be amended.
Conservative Christians despise atheism as being a subjective form of morality, ignoring the history of their own subjective belief system
The endless chorus from the Religious Right that all that plagues our society is the result of divine wrath has grown tiresome…and then some.
What happened to belief? Aren’t fundamentalists who try to prove the resurrection as bad as the atheists they decry for demanding that proof?
Conservatives are dreaming of a ‘white’ Christmas, and that is all Christmas really is to them: a means to an end that has no role for Jesus
Even when compared to 2012’s other conservative ranters and spewers, a sour-faced lot if there ever was one, Muslim-baiter Pamela Geller stands out.
Glenn Beck takes the new Egyptian Constitution as an opportunity to push his UN conspiracy and to predict a US dictator within 5 years
“All I want for Christmas is to kill it,” seems to be the song conservatives think liberals sing each and every holiday season. Fox News has made a lucrative living pushing a nonexistent war on Christmas, seizing on every example of religious pluralism in this country – that is, the right of people to believe…
Facts crash into belief where Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system is concerned. How could Obama have paid for it when he hates Israel?
Another one of the 24 percent tells the 76 percent to get out because America is THEIR country: white and Evangelical
Israel could not have attacked Gaza without the tacit consent of the American government, which persists in seeing Israel as the victim
The GOP is headed into Election Day as the Party of Rape, a group of white fratboys who never grew up
Mitt Romney is campaigning as not-Obama and in this case at least, he is being entirely honest: he is not Obama
Fundamentalists are forever looking for a working equation to make same-sex attraction unnatural but the only thing unnatural is their logic
Joseph Farah just can’t wrap his mind around a Christianity that includes its Christ, and attacks Jim Wallis for getting Jesus right
Pamela Geller disengenuously claims she does not hate all Arabs and Muslims despite paraphrasing an Ayn Rand quote which does exactly that
The fundamentalists got themselves covered now, so don’t even try to argue: if Obama wins, it’s God’s will. If Romney wins, it’s God’s will.
John Stemberger tosses facts aside to claim that only Christianity could create the American experience and only Christianity can save it
Fischer strikes out monumentally when he claims Jesus was a capitalist’s capitalist with capitalism in his DNA: read the Gospels, Bryan!
Christian Fundamentalism represents less a coherent religion than a collection of excuses and justifications for bigotry and hatred
Fischer claims the the neo-Nazi Sikh temple shooter was a liberal because he was a Nazi but a glance at the rhetoric tells a different story
It can’t be proven that Nero persecuted Christians because while Rome had a large Jewish population, there is no evidence for a multitude of Christians to be persecuted.
Yet another Evangelical hater wants to kill gays like the Pilgrims did but he might want to stop and read his gay friendly Bible first
If you have very low expectations and care nothing for facts and hate Obama, Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival, Inc. has something for you
Republicans must talk about vaginas given the laws they’ve been making but they’re not about to extend Democrats the same privilege
The conservative mind is focused on a sense of privilege and possession of rights nobody else gets to enjoy, whatever the Constitution says
It is always claimed that Christianity has been persecuted ever since Nero but it can be argued that this is the biggest non-event in history
Apparently, President Obama has ripped away from imaginary protective layer over the White House for which surface-to-air missiles are no substitute
Pastor John Hagee’s hateful preaching is an example of why the GOP has become the party of choice for sociopaths and psychopaths
Thomas Jefferson once hoped to liberate us from being trapped by beliefs not our own but the GOP has made trapping us the basis of their platform
Most 21st century Americans deal with the world they see and give no thought to an underlying reality full of demons and demonic influences
The GOP insists we obey the Bible but the Bible doesn’t define traditional marriage and it turns out God orders abortions with wild abandon
Monotheism is built not just on the rejection but the ejection of the constructed other. If we live in the end times they are the end times of religious liberty
In a world where saying “Happy Holidays!” makes you guilty of waging a war on Christmas, telling the truth about media bias means you’re anti-Christian!
After spending 1500 years relentlessly persecuting every alternative to itself, the Catholic Church has the audacity to claim it is the persecuted party
A visit to the National Mall leaves you with the impression that it was “We the People” and not “the Lord thy God” which inspired our government
On the basis of GOP legislation since 2010, it is an inescapable conclusion that Republican governance is bad governance as it consistently violates the democratic process
Easter isn’t just about Jesus but a Heathen fertility goddess named Eostre and the bunnies aren’t about resurrection but fertility, the ancient gospel of spring
WND says those nasty Palestinians are re-writing the Passover story. The problem is that the Qur’an says that Moses led Muslims (like himself) out of Egypt, and therefore are not re-writing anything
Two minutes in the life of Pontius Pilate decided world history for the next 2000 years, two minutes in which Jesus could have been pardoned – and forgotten by history
Jesus explains that his ministry was for the poor and oppressed, not against them, and that the rich and powerful serve Satan and the demonic powers in control of the earth
David Barton has little to do with actual Christianity and even less to do with first century Judaism, as Jesus explains in this exclusive interview
For the Roman world, Augustus was a messiah, and the cities were eager to proclaim his “good news” (evangelion) even before Jesus was born
It is no surprise that Talibangelicals can compare women to livestock, as State Rep. Terry England did recently in Georgia. Livestock can’t control their own bodies, so why should women? It’s how God wants it, after all.
There is nothing new or original in Genesis so claiming science proves Genesis has an effect fundamentalists won’t tell you: it actually proves every creation myth
Jeffrey T. Kuhner of the Edmund Burke Institute, who last year accused President Obama of having “black nationalist sympathies” (whatever those are) wrote a column for the Washington Times on February 23, which he entitled Obama’s pseudo-religion, arguing that the “President’s secular moves” are “out of step with Judeo-Christian culture.” His claim is that “Mr. Obama is…
Rabbi Daniel Lapin generates a myth that the availability of oral contraception has somehow caused the collapse of American civilization
The Apocalypse of John is a polemic directed at Rome, not an open ended threat against the human race. After 2000 years it can be ignored
The Religious Elite like the Wealth Elite wants us to subordinate our interests to their own. We can Occupy the Bible or let it destroy us
The GOP doesn’t want to study history but to construct a theological narrative that re-purposes history to be more useful to present needs
Republicans in embracing 1950s-style paranoia makes Islam the new Communism and accuses it of everything the GOP is itself guilty of