Bipartisan National Security Experts File Brief Against ‘Ill-Conceived’ Muslim Ban
“In our professional opinion, this Order cannot be justified on national security or foreign policy grounds.”
“In our professional opinion, this Order cannot be justified on national security or foreign policy grounds.”
“We sincerely tried our best to create a fun, free activity for everyone to enjoy; but the good intent quickly turned into a mess”
Paul Ryan dwells on the capture of 10 American sailors while ignoring their release, seeming to dismiss the possibility of peace with Iran
The UN, if not the GOP, has announced a cohesive peace plan for Syria, one that does not involve carpet bombing till the sand glows
In a letter sent to all governors, Sec. Kerry had to explain again which refugees are getting priority (hint: it’s not the terrorists) and that the Syrian refugees undergo the most robust screening of any refugees.
Netanyahu comes crawling to Washington for some foreign aid. Despite all the bluster, he knows who needs whom more in U.S.-Israeli relations
Former national security adviser Brent Snowcroft says rejecting the Iran deal “is an abdication of America’s unique role and responsibility”
John Kerry dismissed Senator Bob Corker’s fantasies about a world where Iran’s nuclear knowledge can be made to magically disappear.
Jeb Bush said yesterday in response to Donald Trump’s attack on John McCain that all veterans are deserving of respect: Enough with the slanderous attacks. @SenJohnMcCain and all our veterans – particularly POWs have earned our respect and admiration. — Jeb Bush (@JebBush) July 18, 2015 As Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Jay Bookman then pointedly asked,…
It was prescient, then, that when President Obama addressed graduates of the Coast Guard Academy and told them that “denying it (climate change), or refusing to deal with it endangers our national security. Anything less is negligence. It is a dereliction of duty and it undermines the readiness of our forces,” he was describing and referring to Republicans.
Sec. of State John Kerry is staying out of partisan politics, but when asked about Hillary Clinton’s record as Secretary of State, he dropped some truth on Republicans.
During Monday’s broadcast of Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough finally relented and said that the “one-two punch” of House Republicans inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak and the sending of a letter to Iran by 47 GOP Senators was a step too far for the party.
Sec. of State John Kerry ripped Senate Republicans for spreading false information via their unconstitutional letter to Iran.
Conservatives claim Obama is an anti-Semite. This is a stunning claim, particularly because Republicans, tea partiers, and so-called Christians are raging anti-Semites of the highest order.
On Monday morning, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) did what he does best, which is preen for the cameras and make a couple of appearances on cable news shows. McCain made his way over to MSNBC’s studio for an extended sit down with the Morning Joe crew.
A third-hand rumor justifies every lie the Right Wing media tells itself about President Obama
Friday morning, at CPAC, Senator Rubio told an audience that he had learned that his previous support for immigration reform was a mistake.
Only Republicans would see a war slipping through their fingers as a loss, and losing this chance is almost too much for John Boehner to bear
All too often, the export of democracy has looked a lot like the export of imperialism, and America’s defense of freedom translated into right-wing dictatorships
After an eight hour siege in which terrorists massacred children and teachers, President Obama strongly condemned their depravity and reiterated the commitment of the United States government in supporting the Pakistani government in its fight against terrorism.
There is a well-known phrase in the Christian bible that “you reap what you sow.” America is now reaping what it sowed by invading innocent Muslim nations and brutalizing innocent civilians for well over a decade.
At an event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden delivered an emotionally charged message regarding the recent death of journalists Steven Sotloff and Jim Foley at the hands of ISIS.
On Friday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) appeared on five different cable news shows to discuss the recent flare up of sectarian violence in Iraq and directly blame it all on President Obama and his administration.
On Friday, National Security Adviser Susan Rice hit back at her Republican critics who have tried to make it appear that she said something misleading on Sunday.
During an interview with Megyn Kelly of The Kelly File Wednesday night, Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA) managed a nice little two-fer while discussing Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl — he flip-flopped from his previous opinion of the soldier and he ‘swift boated’ him.
Rep. Darrell Issa put out a seething statement that reeked of a temper tantrum after Sec. of State John Kerry and the Obama administration outsmarted him, and forced the Republican to back off of having Kerry testify on Benghazi.
In Limbaugh’s mind, the only reason Hillary Clinton didn’t name them as a terrorist group was because they are all black. And also because she might have had the hots for one of the leaders.
During an interview with Arizona radio station KFYI on Thursday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) called President Obama ‘the most naive president in history’
What the American people are reminded of with the warmonger’s criticism of diplomatic efforts is that Republicans abhor peace nearly as much as they love killing jobs.
It is a sad commentary indeed that a group of anti-government terrorists have, in two years brought shame on a global leader like America because they cannot accept the results of an election.
The hearings on Syria did not answer every reasonable question about a possible U.S. punitive strike, but they exposed some questions as unreasonable.
We’re waiting for God to pull the trigger and bring all his wayward kidlettes home. Janet Mefferd promises he’s close and a good thing too
Sec. of State John Kerry completely obliterated Rand Paul and showed the world that he is a foreign policy fraud during the Senate hearing on Syria.
In response to Chris Wallace claiming that the people should have no voice in the Syria decision, Sec. of State John Kerry ripped Fox News for arguing against democracy in America.
War should be a matter for sober reflection, not knee-jerk reactions, and the president should be praised for opening the matter up to debate
Sen. Ron Johnson was humiliated by Hillary Clinton yesterday, and made a complete idiot out of by John Kerry when he tried to bring up his Benghazi conspiracy today.
After noting that he intends to interrogate Kerry mercilessly, McCain went on to say. ‘We will bring back for the only time waterboarding to get the truth out of him.’
If the Republicans fell all over themselves in 2012 to sound stupid, the Democrats were happy to help them along, as this list demonstrates
Kerry lists 6 questions Romney must answer tonight. He commented, ‘Romney, who once even said ‘a president is not a foreign policy expert,’ appears unprepared to be either.’
In preparation for Monday night’s debate centered on foreign policy, the Obama camp is hitting Romney hard on his foreign policy of ‘blunder and bluster’ and ‘chest-beating’.
Tuesday is the opening day of the Democratic Convention. The speakers must speak the truth. The Bush administration screwed everything up.
On Fox News Sunday today, Howard Dean went head to head with Mike Huckabee on the public option. When Huckabee said that the public option would put the private sector out of business, Dean said, “There’s not going to, nobody’s going to put the private sector out of business. That doesn’t happen even in places like Germany or France or Britain.”
A new poll released by Public Policy Polling today revealed that if he was up for reelection today, President Obama would at worst win by the same margin as 2008, if not more. Obama currently leads Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, and Sarah Palin by 7-15 points. Huckabee came the closest to Obama, while Sarah Palin did the worst.
There is something interesting in the latest CNN/Opinion Research poll. Beyond finding that there is no current GOP favorite for the 2012 nomination, the poll also contained favorability ratings for notable national Republicans at the top of the list were moderates Colin Powell and John McCain. At the bottom were Rush Limbaugh and Michael Steele.
Although Barack Obama has only been in office for a couple of months, this hasn’t stopped the 2012 Republican presidential contenders from jockeying for early position in what will likely be a crowded GOP field, and if the length of the 2008 campaign was any indication, it won’t be long until the race for 2012 will get going. The question is who among the contenders will challenge President Obama?
Mike Huckabee jumped all over RNC Chairman Michael Steele today for his recent comments tha
In a profile for Esquire magazine former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said that although some sexist questions were asked of Palin by the media, he thought Palin’s interviews with Katie Couric and Charles Gibson were gentle, contradicting Palin’s recent media bias complaints.
“Brothers! Oh, brothers! We have all gathered here, to preserve our hallowed culture and heritage! We aim to pull evil up by the root, before it chokes out the flower of our culture and heritage! … All those smart-ass folks say we come descended from monkeys! That’s not my culture and heritage. Is it yours?”
– Homer Stokes, from O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Today, outspoken Republican Mike Huckabee criticized the idea being pushed by some members of his own party that Mitt Romney should be John McCain’s running mate. Not because Romney is a Mormon, but because he is a flip-flopper.