John Hagee

Dear Religious Right: I’m Still Waiting for the Sky to Fall

Dear Religious Right: I’m Still Waiting for the Sky to Fall

My question is, will there be spankings all around? And if so, will there be a charge?

10 years ago

The Real Enemy This Halloween isn’t Demons, Says Jesus, But the Rich

The problem with Halloween isn't kids walking around in scary costumes and falling prey to Satanic influences; Jesus has identified…

10 years ago

Let’s Reflect – Because They Won’t – on 2013’s Conservative Hategasm

They want to put Bibles in schools but not actually read the damn things, and they want us to recite…

11 years ago

For the Last Time, the Constitution is Not Based on the Bible

Tom DeLay says "God created the nation and God created the Constitution; it is written on biblical principles."

11 years ago

John Hagee Says We are a Pagan Nation Without Shame

According to Hagee, "America is becoming a pagan society; we are in a moral free-fall."

11 years ago

Why the GOP is the Party of Choice for Sociopaths and Psychopaths

Pastor John Hagee's hateful preaching is an example of why the GOP has become the party of choice for sociopaths…

13 years ago