Cantor’s Defense of Bachmann Reveals the Hypocrisy of his Embrace of Diversity
CBS’ Charlie Rose asked Cantor how his views on tolerance squared with Bachmann’s attack on Huma Abedin. Cantor’s response was illuminating
CBS’ Charlie Rose asked Cantor how his views on tolerance squared with Bachmann’s attack on Huma Abedin. Cantor’s response was illuminating
Michele Bachmann’s anti-Muslim witch-hunt has backfired, drawing condemnation from fellow Republicans and mockery from the Muslim Brotherhood
Conservative Christians love to talk about religious freedom, never quite getting that something isn’t freedom unless everyone enjoys it
When one scary religion tries to make another sound scary, it’s time to step back and take stock of the facts and remember the Constitution
If you have very low expectations and care nothing for facts and hate Obama, Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival, Inc. has something for you
Apparently, President Obama has ripped away from imaginary protective layer over the White House for which surface-to-air missiles are no substitute
Thomas Jefferson once hoped to liberate us from being trapped by beliefs not our own but the GOP has made trapping us the basis of their platform
There are many reasons to vote for Barack Obama in 2012, and very few to vote against him, given the alternatives
You get the idea that if we banned the word Satan we’d all be a lot happier but that fundamentalists wouldn’t have anything to talk about
Look at all the things wrong in America right now and then look at the GOP solutions since 2010. You will see they have no intention of fixing any real problems
I am afraid, Mama Grizzly Chic is still the rage in the GOP’s harem culture, where conservative women are real women and just being mama grizzlies you betcha
In a world where saying “Happy Holidays!” makes you guilty of waging a war on Christmas, telling the truth about media bias means you’re anti-Christian!
After spending 1500 years relentlessly persecuting every alternative to itself, the Catholic Church has the audacity to claim it is the persecuted party
It is time to define gateway sexual activities and to determine whether or not they can be considered a spectator sport
On the basis of GOP legislation since 2010, it is an inescapable conclusion that Republican governance is bad governance as it consistently violates the democratic process
WND says those nasty Palestinians are re-writing the Passover story. The problem is that the Qur’an says that Moses led Muslims (like himself) out of Egypt, and therefore are not re-writing anything
Tony Perkins claims a gay pride flag endangers American lives, but apparently Nazi flags, urinating on dead Afghans and burning Qur’ans does not
David Barton has little to do with actual Christianity and even less to do with first century Judaism, as Jesus explains in this exclusive interview
The imminent threat from Iran that Republicans like to fear monger about has existed since Ronald Reagan, and the surest way to blow up the world is to allow the GOP to bomb Iran.
The GOOP primary process moves to Missouri, Illinois and Louisiana as final results would appear to be a wash with no real advantage to anybody.
It is no surprise that Talibangelicals can compare women to livestock, as State Rep. Terry England did recently in Georgia. Livestock can’t control their own bodies, so why should women? It’s how God wants it, after all.
The new dominionist fantasy is the threat of Islam in Michigan where 3 percent of the population will somehow turn it into Michiganistan
Republicans insist we must fear the specter of an world Islamic Caliphate while ignoring the dangers of a Christian theocracy at home
As state and national elected officials battle for the most egregiously NRA-friendly legislation possible, bizarre shooting incidents are popping up around the country.
As we enter 2012 the GOP’s campaign to save America from non-existent problems rather than to create jobs shows no signs of abating
Ron Paul, Mitt Romney’s errand boy, who is in charge of making Rick Santorum look bad to his conservative base says Rick is very liberal.
How time flies as the Republicans gift us with two more caucuses and a non-binding primary. The Missouri primary features presidential candidates from the two major parties and two minor ones. The votes count for the Democrats and the two little guys, but not for the Republicans. The Republican Party decided on a March 7th…
The mainstream media’s reluctance to talk about religion and politics with regard to America’s problems and possible solutions is troubling
With no signs of abating. Republican legislatures are if anything more eager than ever to press their rights-killing agenda for America and Americans
In the latest gaffe by a GOP presidential hopeful, Rick Perry singled out America’s ally Turkey, claiming it is led by Islamic terrorists
Republicans in embracing 1950s-style paranoia makes Islam the new Communism and accuses it of everything the GOP is itself guilty of
Fundies love the school prayer myth, crying that children must be allowed to pray in school – that is, until the kid turns out to be Muslim
The Dirty Thirty New Year’s Edition updates our survey of the GOP’s war on women, the environment, education, voting rights and more
Santorum says it is okay to attack another country if we don’t like their religion, even though that religion sounds a lot like Christianity
Republicans have adopted the old definition that says an American is white, and have added the stipulation that one must also be a Christian
The Dirty Thirty Year-End edition is a recap of legislation, local, state and federal, the GOP is using to destroy America
In a world gone crazy from Tea Party zealots incessant screaming over reasonable people to Jim De Mint’s reading problems holding up all business on the Senate floor, we don’t often get our moments of zen or, in this case, Christmas spirit. But here it is. Evincing the true spirit of Christmas in Montreal, Muslims volunteered to serve Christmas Eve Dinner to the Old Brewery Mission.
Yes, I know it’s a surprise. Fundamentalist Christians hate Islam and well…fundamentalist Muslims hate Christianity. We have seen this dynamic at work in the United States since 2001 and with renewed vigor over the past two years. It’s as if a perpetual state of Jihad/Crusade exists in the minds of extremists at both ends, leaving…
Meet Pia Kjærsgaard. Pia is a woman who is going places. Specifically, she is going to the salon to have her hair bleached an even starker blond – but after that, she’s going to pose for a photo shoot wrapped in the Danish flag, and then she is going to make a heroic stand against the foreign hordes who threaten to overrun her fairy tale vision of a Denmark where everyone is a Lutheran, monarchist, pork-eating blonde. Pia is trying very hard to be the Danish Sarah Palin.
The Tea Partier in question, John Trautman, was criticizing the build of a mosque. He said “are not only our enemy but pagans. Why would we want them in our backyard?”
Oklahoma’s efforts to turn the state’s Muslim population into Untermensch (or “sub-humans”) in some sort of quasi-National Socialist racial hierarchy, with White Anglo-Saxon Protestants occupying the top rung as Herrenvolk (or “master race”) of the Volksgemeinschaft (or “national community”) have hit a snag. A federal judge did what a federal judge is supposed to do…
When Republicans recently declined to meet with President Obama, it was a rejection of Old Testament proportions. The degree of concern over President Obama’s religion is truly astounding. How can any God-fearing Republican have any time at all for any liberal? It’s like inviting a Canaanite to dinner, or for the Republicans in this case, agreeing to meet with the high priest of Baal in his house.
Sarah Palin has another Tweeter moment. It’s ironic really, that she is the star of a reality show but reality is not a friend to her. She seems to be saying to reality (shrieking really), “Reality, you’re not the boss of me!”
Phillips wants Keith Ellison (D) U.S. Representative for Minnesota’s 5th congressional district, out of office because he is a Muslim.
Words and actions have consequences, sometimes to the person who speaks, sometimes to the people spoken of. In an environment of hate and xenophobia, the consequences can be deadly and widespread.
Your First Amendment abusers and confuses Sarah Palin and Fox News are declaring war on NPR for firing Juan Williams over his breach of journalistic standards during a Fox News appearance during which he said being on a plane with Muslims made him nervous.
Someday, future Americans will look back on the end of the 21st century’s first decade and feel shame, and perhaps a sense of wonder that such an advanced nation, one of the most free to have ever existed, could be home to such petty prejudice and superstition.
CNN reports that the Catholic Church is concerned about the sustainability of Christian communities (most of them not Catholic) in the Middle East. The fear is that Islamic fundamentalism poses a threat to their survival. What is interesting from the perspective of the American political/religious landscape is the reason given for this Islamic threat, and that is that “Oftentimes, relations between Christians and Muslims are difficult, principally because Muslims make no distinction between religion and politics.”
It is past time, as the Midterm Elections approach, that American voters look at exactly what sort of country the Tea Partiers, conservative Republicans and the Religious Right, want to give us. If you think it is in any great respect different from a country governed by Sharia law, you are wrong.
Sharron Angle proved herself another FOX News-ready Constitutional expert when she said, “Government isn’t what our founding fathers put into the Constitution. This is different,” Angle said.
Oklahoma is hosting a referendum on Islam – State Question 755 the “Save Our State” amendment, which will ban Sharia Law in the state.
Christian and Islamic extremists drink from the same wellspring of authoritarianism – the desire to impose authority, to force submission to dogma, and to compel obedience. Choice is not an option. Submission precludes choice.
The conservative move to re-write history is not just about politics but ideology. The bogus controversy can’t exist without the bogus history conservative Christians have constructed, and the bogus history is tied into hate and intolerance and a need to justify it.
These are dark days, festering with fear and deliberate manipulation of the masses into a frenzied rage against “the other”. But there are some voices speaking out against politicized hate; voices speaking out for the power of love, tolerance and acceptance. Their names may not be as recognizable as say, Frank Schaeffer, who is also doing plenty to speak out against hate as espoused by the modern day evangelical movement, but they are committed to peace and dialogue.
Conservative groups have said for years that America is a Christian nation, and that the founders addressed the issue in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Sarah Palin uses Twitter and Facebook to throw a lit match onto the heightened tensions with Afghans over the Qur’an burning by falsely accusing an Afghan candidate of calling for the death of US Children. Into the craven echoing emptiness of what used to be the moral center of the Republican Party, I now ask just when will they stop trying to harm this country?
yesterday, after weeks of ginning up hate, we had the RNC talking point denial of stoking violence memo via Sarah Palin’s Facebook Page and Boehner tried it on ABC News’ Good Morning America –a mistake- he was obviously more concerned with his tan than any sort of real leadership on this issue and he sounded like a spoiled frat boy. The one thing we heard in all of their CYA talking points puppetry was a rather petty and obvious comparison of burning books to building a community center. Today is the day when we are supposed to forget how we got here.
The Pastor of the church in Florida that is planning to burn the Quran has a sleazy past in Germany involving both allegations of financial wrong-doing and being convicted for using a false PhD. This is the man the far Right are defending. This is their base, their audience, and the sort of people who are clearly easily seduced by the regular shots of GOP inspired crazy into doing horrific things.
The planned burning of Qur’ans by an Evangelical church sends a confusing message that a violent act by them proves another group is violent, and threatens national security and the lives of American soldiers abroad.
Both top US commander in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, and one of his deputies, Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, are warning Americans that burning the Quran will endanger the troops in Afghanistan (and around the world), who are there fighting a war started by Republican President George Bush. A fearful nation awaits a leader from the Republican Party to grow enough courage to take a stand for us and for our troops and their mission.
Christians are supposed to express love for all human beings, but Christian conservatives are hypocrites and evil incarnate because they claim to be followers of Christ, but belie everything he preached and taught.
Convinced that only conservatives have a right to rule, and that they are not a defeated political party but the victims of an unlawful usurpation, a government in exile, the Republicans have declared war on America and will go to any lengths to return to power.
If you can believe it, Fox News has moved on to even more inflammatory rhetoric on the Park 51 project. Tonight on The O’Reilly Factor, Dick Morris called the community center would be a, “center for terrorism” if it was built.
“Since then, the American-led counteroffensive has done much to turn back the Islamist tide.” Carafano revealed that the Heritage Foundation believes the Afghan war is a war on Islam; not a war on terror.
We should not expect much out of FOX when it comes to reporting the news. Sure, it can be argued that there is no news that is undistorted by spin, but there is spin and there is propaganda, and there is outright fiction. If you are going to step before a camera and say something, it should at least be made clear to the watcher if what you’re saying is fact or fiction. Peter J. Johnson, Jr., graduate of Columbia College and Columbia University’s School of Law and has served them as a legal propagandist since 1997.
Mitch McConnell added fuel to the Obama is Muslim lie today on NBC’s Meet The Press when he was asked if Obama was a Muslim, and instead of strongly debunking this misinformation he said, “The President says he’s a Christian. I take him at his word.”
Now that the last US combat brigade has driven into Kuwait, it is an appropriate time to look back at the Iraq War and to reflect on how it matters a great deal who we elect as our leaders. There are lessons to be learned, and we owe it to future generations to heed them.
Like bugs to light, Republicans are attracted to 9/11 fear mongering, and with the flap over the proposed mosque and community center two blocks from Ground Zero, the man in charge of the GOP’s efforts to retake the Senate, Sen. John Cornyn suggested that the GOP is ready to make 9/11 an issue again this November, but by playing the politics of fear, the GOP could ensure failure in November.
No attempt is made by Christian fundamentalists, who are hopelessly mired in the medieval thought-world, to actually understand Islam. Their purpose instead is to demonize it. The old crusader mentality is alive and well on the Right and marching in lockstep with that ancient persecution complex should anyone raise an eyebrow at their absurd claims.