Infrastructure improvements

Decent Economic Growth Hides The Increasing Gap Between the Rich and Everyone Else

Decent Economic Growth Hides The Increasing Gap Between the Rich and Everyone Else

As long as the wealthy continue benefitting from the President's economic recovery, Republicans will stay the austerity course that continues…

11 years ago

John Boehner Confesses That He Rejected Obama’s Budget Offer Without Reading It

Speaker John Boehner admitted that rejected Obama's budget proposals immediately, and revealed that he did not have time to read…

12 years ago

Debunking the Conservative Myth of American Exceptionalism

Many Republicans and Tea Party groups are of the misguided opinion that America has the right to do whatever it…

14 years ago

Welfare or Warfare: Keeping Defense Contractors Rich While America Crumbles

Republicans want to take the country back to the 1950s, and they want to cut taxes for the wealthy claiming…

14 years ago