Indict Trump

Eric Holder Says Trump Will Meet The Standards For Indictment And Prosecution

Eric Holder Says Trump Will Meet The Standards For Indictment And Prosecution

Former Attorney General Eric Holder said that once the 1/6 investigation is completed Trump will meet the standards for indictment…

3 years ago

Mary Trump Says Law Enforcement Has All The Documents They Need To Indict Trump

Mary Trump said that she hadn't been asked for more documents by prosecutors, which suggests they already have what they…

4 years ago

Democrats To Pursue Law Change So Trump Can Be Indicted In Office

Rep. Kathrine Clark (D-MA) said that House Democrats are going to pursue changing the law so that a sitting president…

5 years ago

Senator Says Congress is Almost Ready to Indict Trump

Sheldon Whitehouse, the senior Democratic senator from Rhode Island, said yesterday that Congress is almost ready to indict President Donald…

6 years ago