Hrafnkell Haraldsson

For Many Americans There is Little To Be Thankful For On Thanksgiving

For Many Americans There is Little To Be Thankful For On Thanksgiving

There are plenty of things for all Americans to be thankful for, but sadly, a substantial segment of the population…

11 years ago

Conservative Christians Claim They Should be Able to Spew Hate Without Consequence

Conservative Christians want to be able to spew hate and lies but for nobody to have the right to disagree…

12 years ago

Ralph Nader Attacks the Imperial Presidency but Ignores the Do-Nothing Congress

Ralph Nader is railing against the "imperial presidency" but has nothing to say about our runaway, do-nothing Congress. It makes…

12 years ago

The Republican Party and the un-Founding of America

Republicans claim to be the defenders of the Constitution; this while wishing to do away with every amendment save the…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin Hypocritically Accuses Obama of Playing the Politics of Emotion

The queen of the politics of emotion accuses President Obama of playing the politics of emotion

12 years ago

Right Wingers Claim Prayer Doomed Manchin-Toomey

You probably didn't know this but gun safety laws are "pagan" and it was prayer that defeated Manchin-Toomey

12 years ago

Grandmother Says She is Persecuted if She is Not Allowed to Convert Grandson

Visiting Grandma should not carry with it the prerequisite of conversion

12 years ago

Buster Wilson Wakes Up to Discover He’s a Hate Monger

Buster Wilson complains that if he believes what he says the Bible says about homosexuality, he is a hate monger

12 years ago

NBA Player Jason Collins Comes Out – Religious Right Apoplectic

NBA player Jason Collins says he's gay; the religious right says he is immoral and aberrant and so are we…

12 years ago

Fox News Says Rep. Keith Ellison Is ‘Very Dangerous’ Because He’s a Muslim

Apparently if you actually exercise your First Amendment rights to be something other than Christian, you're dangerous.

12 years ago

Bryan Fischer Says Liberals Hate America and Christianity

Bryan Fischer dishonestly says liberals hate America and Christianity because they want to replace America as it was founded

12 years ago

Larry Pratt: Bombing Seen by Liberals as Opportunity to Increase Government Control

Republicans want bombing suspect treated as enemy combatant but it's liberals who want increased government control?

12 years ago

The GOP’s Boston-inspired Insanity

The GOP: Sodomizing our shared reality - and you

12 years ago

The Tea Party Speaks From The Gutter and Tells the GOP to Forget Hispanic Voters

Tea Party Republicans like Rep. Tim Huelskamp are spewing more hate and intolerance by decrying Republican outreach to "so-called" Hispanic…

12 years ago

Kansas Republican Tim Huelskamp Put the Fool in April Fool’s Day

Kansas Republican Tim Huelskamp says marriage equality is unpatriotic and will destroy the family and motherhood - and even your…

12 years ago

God Wills It! Things You Will Never Hear an Atheist Say

When Reshad Riddle gunned down his father at Church, he didn't say his act was the will of atheism.

12 years ago

The Republican Party’s Bad Character-Guy Culture

The NFL hates 'em, the GOP loves 'em: bad character guys. Who needs Nazis and the KKK? We already have…

12 years ago

Pat Robertson Says You Have Demons in Your Underpants

Pat Robertson thinks there are demons in your underpantsr, so be sure to rebuke them before heading out of the…

12 years ago

80 Republicans Sign Supreme Court Brief in Support of Marriage Equality

More than 80 Republicans have signed a brief which will be submitted to the Supreme Court in support of Marriage…

12 years ago

America’s Capitalism Has Embraced White Slaves as Well as Black

American capitalism supported white indentured servitude before and alongside black slavery and relinquished it only reluctantly.

12 years ago

World Net Daily to PoliticusUSA: Facts are anti-Semitic

Reality-challenged Joseph Farah of World Net Daily feels that inconvenient and uncongenial facts about ancient Israel are anti-Semitic.

12 years ago

Show Me State Republicans Need Somebody to Show them Reality on Gun Control

If any facet of the GOP's war on America has grown to lunatic proportions, it is gun control. The more…

12 years ago

Conservatives Convince Themselves Obama Would be in Jail if He Wasn’t President

Conservatives have convinced themselves that though Obama SHOULD be in jail even as president, he would certainly BE in jail…

12 years ago

Joseph Farah Says America Needs Ten Commandments – Wants Money

Joseph Farah is putting up 10 Commandment billboards in "Sin City" - Las Vegas - and he wants your dollars…

12 years ago

Buster Wilson Claims Obama Wants to Declare Christians to be Mentally Ill and Lock Them Up

Buster Wilson lets go of his meat long enough to claim Obama thinks he's crazy and wants to lock him…

12 years ago

Ralph Reed Invokes MLK’s Fight for Freedom in Defense of his Fight to Oppress

So Ralph Reed of the misnamed Faith and Freedom Coalition, took exception to my findings yesterday, that the Bible is irrelevant…

12 years ago

Right Wing Bigots Claim Immigration Reform Path to Citizenship Violates the Bible

Ralph Reed, mistaking the Bible for the US Constitution, believes his holy book should govern US immigration policy

12 years ago

Steven Seagal Shows Sheriff Joe’s Criminal Vigilantes How to Rescue our Children

Are you not entertained? Former action star Steven Seagal is training a criminal collection of deputies how to protect our…

12 years ago

Bryan Fischer Condemns Interfaith Prayer and Counterfeit Gods

Some have realized that people might be praying to the same god or gods and that mixing it up isn't…

12 years ago

Glenn Beck Fears for Humanity’s Future and He Wants You to be Afraid Too

Glenn Beck reacts with his usual hysteria to the idea of the Singularity and humankind's next leap forward: the Singularity.

12 years ago

Conservatives Release the Propaganda Hounds in Defense of Religious Bigotry

A collection of WTF Boy Scout moments, brought to you by the party that hasn't read the Bible they're using…

12 years ago

Fundamentalist Says Refrigeration Removes Sin. Tough Luck Gays and Lesbians!

Oklahoma Pastor James Taylor says if you can refrigerate something (like shellfish) it isn't an abomination anymore

12 years ago

The Right Claims Liberals Have a Dull-Witted, Self-Defeating, Abjectly Wicked Worldview

Conservatives seem completely confused and befuddled by reality, as evidenced by Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber and his recent scree

12 years ago

Misremembering is the Conservative Way of Treating Martin Luther King

As our nation celebrates Martin Luther King Jr, conservatives choose NOT to remember him, but to misremember him as a…

12 years ago

The IQ-Killing Plague Driving the Gun Lobby

What might an alien observer make of the seeming disease causing humans to shun science for superstition?

12 years ago

Proposed Missouri Law Would Throw Federal Agents in Prison Over Guns

If you think a person is violating the Constitution, you don't violate the constitution yourself as a remedy and expect…

12 years ago

The Tea Party’s Intolerable Acts Are a Parting Shot from George III

The Tea Party's actions in Wisconsin and Michigan show them to owe their inspiration not to the Patriots of 1776…

12 years ago

GOP: Refusing to do What We Want You to Do is a Violation of the Constitution

The Republican Party seems to think if Obama doesn't do what they want him to do, he is violating the…

12 years ago

Critics on Both Sides Distort Obama’s White Male Cabinet Problem

Should we worry about Obama's white male cabinet appointments? How about we wait and see what his cabinet looks like…

12 years ago

Impeach Obama for Pagan Gun Safety Laws?

According to GOP gun nut Larry Pratt, gun-control policies are Pagan, thus proving Piers Morgan's accusation that he is unbelievably…

12 years ago

Gun Nuts to Build 2,000 Acre Citadel in Idaho’s American Redoubt

How do America's most extreme gun enthusiasts want to live? You'll soon get to find out as they build their…

12 years ago

Michele Bachmann Refuses to Pay Employees Unless They Promise to Hide Illegal Activities

Americans should be asking themselves this weekend why Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is refusing to pay five of her staffers for…

12 years ago

President Obama is More Popular Now than During His First Term

The GOP finds itself in trouble as Obama's popularity soars and their own plummets, and Obama's second term only promises…

12 years ago

Right Wing Insanity Boils Over With Claim Marriage Equality Caused Noah’s Flood

Right wing Pastor Scott Lively hit a new level of crazy even for the far right by claiming that same…

12 years ago

A Desperate Religious Right Renews the War on Marriage Equality

With growing desperation, the Religious Right tries to stem the liberal tide of toleration, equality, and genuine religious liberty

12 years ago

The GOP Needs to Shed its God Problem Before it’s Too Late

The Republican Party needs to shed its God problem before its unhealthy obsession destroys America

12 years ago

Opposition to Chuck Hagel is a No-Win Scenario for the GOP

There is no conceivable outcome in which GOP opposition to Chuck Hagel ends happily for Republicans

12 years ago

Its the End of the World as You Know It

Joseph Farah wants you to believe an angry God is about to snuff us out, but first we have to…

12 years ago

Republican Grifters Rob Oregonians Blind With Charter School Scam

Two Republicans have scammed the state of Oregon out of $17 million in a charter school scam.

12 years ago

When Your Doctor Offers to Pray for You

We go to medical doctors for medical care based on the most recent medical science, not for prayers

12 years ago

Republican Congressman Says He’s Not Convinced Sandy Victims Need Relief

Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp told AFA Director of Issues Analysis Bryan Fischer that he saw no real need for…

12 years ago

John Boehner’s F-Bomb to America

John Boehner, back to the wall, has come out swinging a middle finger, offering an F-bomb to Harry Reid and…

12 years ago

A Desperate Grover Norquist Claims Fiscal Cliff Deal Not Violation of Pledge

Grover Norquist tried to defend his pet congressmen and women while simultaneously branding President Obama as an enemy of liberty

12 years ago

The Republicans Have Quit on America; It’s Time for Americans to Quit on Them

Republicans have quit on America. They're putting forth no effort, and most importantly at all, they haven't even bothered to…

12 years ago

Things to Like About 2012

We had some rough times in 2012 but there are things to like about the year just past. Here are…

12 years ago

The Top Ten Smartest Democratic Quotes of 2012

If the Republicans fell all over themselves in 2012 to sound stupid, the Democrats were happy to help them along,…

12 years ago

The Top Ten Dumbest Republican Quotes of 2012

It was not easy to pare down to ten a list from literally hundreds of dumb Republican quote candidates, but…

12 years ago

Why America Needs a Left

In Why America Needs a Left, Eli Zaretsky makes a case for a 'hard' left, something beyond either progressivism or…

12 years ago

Piers Morgan Says Flawed Bible Must be Amended

Piers Morgan, already being attacked for his stance on guns, has truly thrown caution to the wind by proclaiming that…

12 years ago

Tea Party Fantasies of Sending Obama to Prison for Benghazi

Tea Partiers indulge in wild fantasies of sending President Obama to prison since they haven't managed to impeach him for…

12 years ago

This Holiday Season Do Your Own Thing and Damn the Critics

Conservative Christians despise atheism as being a subjective form of morality, ignoring the history of their own subjective belief system

12 years ago

The Religious Right Wants You Dead in God’s Name

The endless chorus from the Religious Right that all that plagues our society is the result of divine wrath has…

12 years ago

Why do Fundamentalists Feel the Need to Prove Jesus Was Resurrected?

What happened to belief? Aren't fundamentalists who try to prove the resurrection as bad as the atheists they decry for…

12 years ago

David Barton Says We’ve Got to Have the Same Guns the Government Has

David Barton says the Founding Fathers would want us armed with the same weapons available to the government - because…

12 years ago

Sanity Prevails in New Orleans as Revisionist Texas Textbooks Banished

Six schools have been saved for science in New Orleans, where humans will never walk with dinosaurs and Noah's flood…

12 years ago

Republicans Accuse Hilary Clinton of Lying About Concussion

Hilary Clinton, felled by a concussion, is under attack by Republicans for depriving them of an opportunity to subject her…

12 years ago

James Dobson Says Sandy Hook is God’s Judgment on America

James Dobson says America has turned its back on God and Sandy Hook is God's response: the murder of our…

12 years ago

Religious Right: God Will Kill Our Children Until We Turn Schools Into Churches

Fundies are determined to scare you into allowing school sponsored prayer back into our public schools: God will kill your…

12 years ago

Bryan Fischer Claims Homosexuality is a Birth Defect

The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer misrepresents a scientific study to claim that homosexuality is a birth defect

12 years ago

Federal Judge Says North Carolina’s Choose Life License Plates are Unconstitutional

A federal judge has ruled that North Carolina cannot offer choose life plates without also offering pro-choice plates

12 years ago

Why Progressives Can Make My Head Explode

Progressivism, like conservatism, is about regulating our lives. But I'm a liberal; I'm all about liberty, so leave my choices…

12 years ago

The Demographics of Progress and the Demise of the America of Conservative Dreams

The numbers don't lie: they didn't lie on Election Night, and they do not lie in the longer run when…

12 years ago

Conservatives Are Dreaming of a ‘White’ Christmas

Conservatives are dreaming of a 'white' Christmas, and that is all Christmas really is to them: a means to an…

12 years ago

Conservatives Introduce Their New Fantasy: Barack the Destroyer

Bryan Fischer introduces Barack the Destroyer, the man who wants to destroy America and make Americans suffer because of their…

12 years ago

Oregon GOP County Chair Gets the Boot for Claiming Democrats Seek Utopian Enslavement

Gary Bray, Republican Party chairman in Washington County, Oregon, called liberalism an 'atheistic cult' which seeks 'utopian enslavement'

12 years ago

Conflict in the Courts as Federal Judges Issue Divergent Rulings on Gay Conversion Quackery

A federal district judge has issued a temporary injunction against a new California law banning gay conversion therapy, while a…

12 years ago

The Religious Right Freaks Out Over West Point’s First Same-Sex Marriage

When West Point hosted its first gay marriage this past weekend, the Religious Right went bananas, talking about moral cliffs…

12 years ago

Pamela Geller Really, Really Hates Islam, Obama, and the UN

Even when compared to 2012's other conservative ranters and spewers, a sour-faced lot if there ever was one, Muslim-baiter Pamela…

12 years ago

Man Charged with Blasphemy for Pointing out Weeping Jesus Miracle was Plumbing Problem

In India, you can apparently be charged with blasphemy for pointing out that a statue of Jesus is not, in…

12 years ago

Glenn Beck’s Philosophical Belch – Agenda 21

Glenn Beck takes the new Egyptian Constitution as an opportunity to push his UN conspiracy and to predict a US…

12 years ago

Fox News Has a Holiday Wish List but Governor Chafee Can’t Have a Holiday Tree

"All I want for Christmas is to kill it," seems to be the song conservatives think liberals sing each and…

12 years ago

Why Conservatives are Wrong When They Say Liberalism Will Fail

Conservatives have convinced themselves of libearlism's illigitimacy; now they have convinced themselves liberalism will fail

12 years ago

Obama’s Support for Israel’s Iron Dome Gives GOP Fits of Cognitive Dissonance

Facts crash into belief where Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system is concerned. How could Obama have paid for it…

12 years ago

Grover Norquist Faces a Full-Out Republican Revenue Insurrection

Apparently, to Grover Norquist an agreement with him is as legally binding as a mortgage, at least in his own…

12 years ago

Move Over Star Wars: A Trilogy of GOP Cognitive Dissonance: 2008, 2012, 2016

The Republican Party's doldrums are likely to continue until they acknowledge reality, but there are no signs of that happening…

12 years ago

Republicans Turn Charter School Officials Into the New Robber Barons

School privatization is the new Gold Rush. There is money to be made in them there hills. And charter schools…

12 years ago

Hardcore Conservative Saxby Chambliss Repudiates Norquist Tax Pledge

Cracks begin to appear in the no new taxes wall as Saxby Chambliss signals a willingness to rethink the question…

12 years ago

Just in time for Black Friday conservatives revive the War on Christmas

It is that season again - and no, I am not talking about Christmas. I am talking about the War…

12 years ago

Things I am Grateful for in 2012

Even in troubled times, there are a great many things to be grateful for. Here are a few of mine.

12 years ago

America is a Christian Nation. If We Don’t Like it, We Should Get Out

Another one of the 24 percent tells the 76 percent to get out because America is THEIR country: white and…

12 years ago

How the Pax Americana is to Blame for Israel’s Attacks on Gaza

Israel could not have attacked Gaza without the tacit consent of the American government, which persists in seeing Israel as…

12 years ago

Fundamentalists Admit They Prayed for Obama’s Defeat and God Said No

James Dobson determined that Obama's defeat means we are living in a time of judgment and that God can make…

12 years ago

Sorry GOP: We Do Not Need Churches in order to Prosper Economically

Conservatives insist that economic prosperity is impossible without their God but America wil prosper just as well with 20 gods…

12 years ago

Let’s Not Give Right Wing Religious Idiots and Hypocrites the Last Laugh

The Religious Right says some laughable things, but there is nothing laughable about their money, power - or influence on…

12 years ago

Red State Secession Would Be a Dream Come True for the Rest of America

Don't tell me that some little part of you would not just like to say to Texas, or to another…

12 years ago

Republicans Declare Defeat and Claim They Have Lost the Culture War

Longtime foe of multiculturalism, William J. Bennett, says Republicans lost culture war and accuses Democrats of playing identity politics

12 years ago

Idiot Republican Says Conservatives Are the New N-words

We've seen some crazy conclusions drawn since Election Day, but Larry Klayman's claim that conservatives are the new N-words is…

12 years ago

Les Misérables Resonates Thanks to Misery Born of Republican Ignorance

Victor Hugo wrote Les Misérables in 1862, addressing themes of social injustice that are still embraced today in the Republican…

12 years ago

Dirty Weather Puts 24 Hours of Reality in the Face of Climate Change Deniers

2012's weather is a terrifying foretaste of the future of ourworld with Global Warming. Watch 24 Hours of Reality, the…

12 years ago

Mrs. Cleaver’s America is Dead – and Thank God For It

Republicans, in appraising the causes for the Republican defeat in 2012, shy away from the real reasons for that defeat:…

12 years ago