hillary clinton presidential campaign

Hillary Clinton Clearly Says What No Republican Will: Iraq Was a Mistake

Hillary Clinton Clearly Says What No Republican Will: Iraq Was a Mistake

Unlike the Republican candidates who are falling over themselves to avoid saying that Bush got Iraq wrong, Sec. Clinton said…

10 years ago

Fox News Claims Hillary Less Ethical, But Public Gives Her High Ratings on Every Issue

Fox News seems to want to wish away Hillary Clinton, but even their numbers cannot disguise that the public still…

10 years ago

Hillary Clinton Pulverizes Republican Attempts To Dodge Issues By Demonizing Her

Secretary Clinton seems to have a bit of her husband's skill when it comes to breaking things down. On Monday,…

10 years ago

Republican Strategist Says She Is Tired Of Hillary Clinton Drowning Us In Estrogen

Republican strategist Ana Navarro blasted Hillary Clinton for supposedly playing up her female candidacy.

10 years ago

Clinton Emails Have Provided GOP Yet Another Excuse to Cry “Benghazi”

The GOP is determined to ignore every relevant fact about Benghazi on their mission to crucify Hillary Clinton

10 years ago

In Private Meeting Hillary Clinton Asks Elizabeth Warren For Suggestions And Ideas

Hillary Clinton met privately with Sen. Elizabeth Warren to seek out her suggestions and policy ideas as she begins to…

10 years ago