healthcare insurance

According to Republicans The 114th Koch Congress Is Focused On Koch Priorities

According to Republicans The 114th Koch Congress Is Focused On Koch Priorities

Republicans are beginning the 114th Congress with the mindset that "nothing is going to get in the way of our…

10 years ago

Republicans Are The Ultimate Takers Who Only Want To Give To The Wealthy That They Serve

Even if some Americans do grasp the concept of Republicans as the ultimate takers, they likely fail to comprehend that…

10 years ago

John Boehner Tells His Biggest Lie Yet By Claiming Obama Obstructed House Jobs Bills

Republicans are riding a three-year job-killing frenzy and still, Boehner has the temerity to claim House Republicans passed several job…

11 years ago

Republicans Have Made America Into a Global Laughingstock With Their Government Shutdown

It is a sad commentary indeed that a group of anti-government terrorists have, in two years brought shame on a…

11 years ago

Republican Terrorists Have Exposed Themselves as The Traitors They Are

Republicans exposed themselves as the traitors they are because about 70% of the 86,000 civilians employed at 16 U.S. intelligence…

11 years ago

John Boehner Claims He Is Saving America by Destroying It

John Boehner boasts about the sequester saving America but he cannot and will not explain how withholding food from seniors…

11 years ago

The Rich Get Richer From Tanking the Economy As The Poor Go To Jail For a Missed Payment

The rich are granted immunity from prosecution for robbing billions of dollars from millions of Americans and the poor are…

12 years ago

The Human Costs of the War on Social Security and Medicare

The Chained-CPI amounts to punishing seniors for living longer.

12 years ago