Governor Scott Walker

While Cutting Their Pay Scott Walker Praises First Responders in Sikh Temple Shooting

While Cutting Their Pay Scott Walker Praises First Responders in Sikh Temple Shooting

Scott Walker called the mass shootings at a Wisconsin Sikh Temple this morning evil and praised the first responders, many…

12 years ago

A Critical Mass to Challenge the Corporate Colonization of our Government

A mass majority convinced through years of struggle that a fairer, more humane, more sustainable world is possible is the…

13 years ago

Why Michigan Is Not the Next Wisconsin

Rick Snyder is not Scott Walker. Both of them are repulsive in their own right, and each of their states…

13 years ago


The ghost of Christmas past haunted Ebeneezer Scrooge, and was 1/3 of the spirit that changed Scrooge around and it…

13 years ago

Wrong Scott Walker or Political Smokescreen: Questions Remain On Walker Baby Daddy Story

A reporter claims that the wrong Scott Walker was fingered in the baby daddy scandal but does his email hold…

13 years ago

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Why Wisconsin Democrats Can’t Lose

We pay tribute to the reasons Wisconsinites fought so hard for this recall; the Scott Walker Memory Book of systemic…

13 years ago

Investigators Turn Up the Heat on Scott Walker with Bid Rigging Probe

The Scott Walker John Doe investigation takes a serious turn as prosecutors look into potential bid rigging surrounding a land…

13 years ago

Corporate Outside Cash Flooding in for Governor Scott Walker

Governor Scott Walker is winning the money race in the recall against him. Almost ¾ of it is coming from…

13 years ago

Scott Walker Whistles Past The Graveyard As He Denies Corruption Investigation

The media wants Gov Scott Walker to answer their questions about his legal defense fund, but he only wants to…

13 years ago

35,000 to 1: Protesters Mobilize To Take Down Scott Walker

An estimated 35,000 Wisconsinites rallied at the Madison stop for Wisconsin's AFL-CIO's "Reclaim Wisconsin Tour," the immediate focus of which…

13 years ago

Scott Walker’s Nightmare Friday: Felonies, Failures and Injunctions

Scott Walker has had a nightmare of a Friday. He's has been running around the state spinning his bum off…

13 years ago