
Right Wing Media Loses it Over Idea of Obama as Jewish President

Right Wing Media Loses it Over Idea of Obama as Jewish President

A bunch of white gentiles are maybe not the best people to be talking about who is and who isn't…

9 years ago

Ben Carson Says The President Doesn’t Have To Obey Supreme Court Ruling On Gay Marriage

GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson believes if he becomes president, that he can ignore Supreme Court decisions he does not…

9 years ago

Media Intentionally Hides Republicans’ Economic Failures And Democrats’ Success

t is true that Republican policies are why Americans are rapidly losing economic ground to the few wealthy elites, but…

10 years ago

Rand Paul’s Read the Bills Act Relies on Congress to Tell the Truth

Rand Paul says he wants Congress to read bills before they vote, relying on them to tell us truthfully if…

10 years ago

The Republican Passed Keystone Pipeline Bill Violates The Constitution

Every one of the Koch Republicans, and their oily Democratic cohorts, who voted to approve a State Department construction permit…

10 years ago

Americans Will Pay For Republican-lite Democrats’ Compromise “At All Costs”  

Whatever the reason, the so-called compromise appropriations bill is an affront to the American people, and revealed that many Democrats…

10 years ago

Demand That Republicans Pledge To Support Democracy Or Get Out Of Politics

Although Republicans detest democracy, they certainly understand the principle behind it and instead of swearing an oath to support a…

10 years ago

Ted Cruz Says A Functioning Senate Subverts the Will of The People

In fact, there is very little that Ted Cruz even likes about this country, including the United States Constitution, that…

10 years ago

The Revenge of the Poor, Betrayal of the Elite Now Leads to The Rise of Super Bugs

Neglecting the conditions and healthcare of the poor has contributed to drug-resistant microbes which have reached crisis proportions.

10 years ago

South Carolina’s Lee Bright Wants to Replace Lindsey Graham – and the United States

Bright says, "If the Tenth Amendment won't protect the Second, we might have to use the Second to protect the…

11 years ago

Republican Terrorists Have Exposed Themselves as The Traitors They Are

Republicans exposed themselves as the traitors they are because about 70% of the 86,000 civilians employed at 16 U.S. intelligence…

11 years ago

IRS Investigation Reveals Darrell Issa’s ‘Enemies List’

The Inspector General's report didn't mention the IRS targeting progressive groups for enhanced scrutiny, because Darrell Issa used the IG's…

11 years ago

The Republican Party and the un-Founding of America

Republicans claim to be the defenders of the Constitution; this while wishing to do away with every amendment save the…

11 years ago

Republicans Are Ready to Traumatize Poor Children

No matter how much they try to blame sequestration on Obama and the Democrats, Republicans set it up, and the…

12 years ago

Are We Giving Up Liberty for Perceived Security?

Trends in militarization, surveillance, and civil liberties violations raise disturbing questions about the exchange of liberty for security.

12 years ago

GOP Tea Party Traitors to the Constitution Must Be Prosecuted to the Fullest Extent of the Law

It is a mystery why the Justice Department, FBI, and law enforcement officials do not summarily round them treasonous congressional…

12 years ago

The Republicans Have Quit on America; It’s Time for Americans to Quit on Them

Republicans have quit on America. They're putting forth no effort, and most importantly at all, they haven't even bothered to…

12 years ago

Since Democrats took control of the Senate in 2006, Republicans Have Mounted 380 Filibusters

Republicans have managed to give the public Republican rule via the filibuster, even though the public elected Democratic rule.

12 years ago

A Revealing Look at Racism’s Role in Which Party White People Support

Ever since Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act and championed policies supporting minorities, whites have been defecting from the party.

12 years ago

The Self-Made Myth Haunts America and Is Contributing to Our Demise

The self-made myth perpetuated by conservatives has been allowed to shape policy, demonize government, and deny how much is built…

12 years ago

As Romney Sinks, Netanyahu and GOP Push for War Before the US Elections

Netanyahu's vague conflations of the attacks on our embassies with the regime in Iran are being to force Obama's hand.

12 years ago

Dr. James Dobson: Another Presidential Campaign, Another Chance to Hate Obama

Dr. James Dobson is an Obama-basher of long standing, and his behavior demonstrates why this country can never compromise the…

12 years ago

Sure, the Christian Right Champions Religious Freedom – For Themselves

The Christian Right pretends to be champions of religious freedom; but the only freedom they care about is their freedom…

12 years ago

Not All Tax Dollars Go To War: Here Is a Program Liberals Can Be Proud Of

On tax day, it's nice to take a look at one small positive slice of what the government does with…

13 years ago