George W. Bush

America’s Reaction To 9/11 Played a Role In Paris Terror Attack

America’s Reaction To 9/11 Played a Role In Paris Terror Attack

Of course down through the ages violent wars have been waged over imposition of a particular religion, but in modern…

10 years ago

GOP House Budget Chair Tom Price Is Itching To Cut Social Security

The current Republican congress wants to cut social security benefits. The House Budget Chair made that clear again during a…

10 years ago

Jeb Bush Suggests That Hillary Clinton’s Only Qualification for President Is Her Husband

Jeb Bush said, "If someone wants to run a campaign about 90s nostalgia, it's not going to be very successful."

10 years ago

Barack H. Obama is the Greatest President of Modern Times

His list of accomplishments, even minus any opposition, would be staggering. Considering the odds against him, they are truly monumental

10 years ago

Republicans Plan Another Bush Trickle Down Assault In 2015

Some Republicans are beginning to express little hope that the President will go along with the scam and may eschew…

10 years ago

No, We Don’t Care If President Obama Goes to Church

Obama critics might take a moment to reflect that even though Obama does not go to church regularly, the economy…

10 years ago

Dick Cheney and Evangelical Christians Epitomize Dark Age Barbarism  

Instead of shame and humiliation that this government condoned and defended myriad human rights violations, one of the architects of…

10 years ago

New York Times Editorial Calls for Investigation and Prosecution of Torturers in Bush Administration

The Times says this is "about ensuring that this never happens again and regaining the moral credibility to rebuke torture…

10 years ago

Republicans Condemn North Korean Human Rights Violations While Ignoring Their Own

The hypocrisy of this nation co-sponsoring a resolution condemning anyone country for human rights abuses (torture) is beyond the pale.…

10 years ago

Scalia Is Wrong: The Constitution Prohibits Torture and GOP Civil Rights Violations

Conservatives have proffered every possible scenario to justify torture, including Supreme Court Justice Scalia invoking a fictional television counter-terrorism agent,…

10 years ago

Lynching Obama

Republicans just can't get over the fact that they can no longer get together and lynch the black guy they…

10 years ago

Dick Cheney Says Senate Torture Report That He Hasn’t Even Read Is “Full Of Crap”

Former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney appeared on Fox News Wednesday night to defend the Bush Administration's use of "enhanced…

10 years ago

Why The World Can’t Breathe

In the heated space between two murders, both committed by police officers who were later given a free pass by…

10 years ago

Senate CIA Torture Report Still Protects Bush War Criminals

As one would expect from criminals, many Republicans, George W. Bush, and former Bush administration officials in charge of the…

10 years ago

MSNBC Contributor Calls Out Media For Not Covering Obama’s Initiatives In Wake Of Ferguson

During Monday morning's episode of Morning Joe, MSNBC contributor Dorian Warren called out the media for not giving proper coverage…

10 years ago

No Texas Messiah: A Requiem for Rick Perry

Rick Perry is another in a growing collection of GOP banditti. In the old days, the Texas Rangers would have…

10 years ago

Rick Perry Getting Ready to Inflict Himself on America in 2016

Rick Perry is putting together a 2016 run that is certain to fail as spectacularly as his ill-fated 2012 run

10 years ago

Texas Republican Proposes Another Civil War By Ending The Union Through Nullification

The Civil War is something a Texas Republican legislator, Dan Flynn, is attempting to repeat through a proposal that empowers…

10 years ago

Paul Ryan Plans A CBO Rubber Stamp For Trickle Down Disaster

Paul Ryan is quietly working behind the scenes to make sure the next head of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO),…

10 years ago

Senate Fights To Release Report Detailing Bush-Cheney’s CIA Torture Program

The chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee responsible for the report, Senator Dianne Feinstein, is incensed over the CIA's fight…

10 years ago

According to Ted Cruz, Reagan and Both Bushes Acted Like Monarchs

De facto Speaker of the House and self-appointed incoming Senate Majority Leader Ted Cruz accused the President of being a…

10 years ago

Why Does the World Not End?

I'm perplexed by my continued existence. I mean, supposedly, my gods don't exist, and supposedly, if this Religious Right dude…

10 years ago

Friday Fox Follies Soldiers On

Fox "News" is never so patriotic as when it puts on its phony camo to engage in phony warfare. Fox…

10 years ago

The Rest Of The World Tries To Explain To Republicans How Good They Have It Under Obama

It is a damn wretched commentary on this nation's voting public that people around the world are better-informed about America's…

10 years ago

Republican Comparisons of Iraq and Vietnam Are Completely False and Hypocritical

If the Republicans win the White House in 2016, any new troop commitment to Iraq would be celebrated by Fox…

10 years ago

Wesley Clark Calls for a New National Strategy to Unite and Move us Forward

Clark outlines the challenges facing us, which together, he argues, "are exactly the grounds over which a national strategy must…

10 years ago

Demand That Republicans Pledge To Support Democracy Or Get Out Of Politics

Although Republicans detest democracy, they certainly understand the principle behind it and instead of swearing an oath to support a…

10 years ago

No Joke – Scholar Tells us President Obama Could Learn from President Bush

David Rothkopf says, "Bush recognized the urgent need for change and instituted a sweeping reordering of his administration, its policies…

10 years ago

Fox News Host Implies Obama Is Manipulating Gas Prices To Help Democrats In Midterms

During Thursday's episode of The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson, host Gretchen Carlson suggested on multiple occasions that the White…

10 years ago

John Boehner Says “Bush Would Have Punched” Putin “In The Nose” Over Crimea Invasion

During a campaign stop in Iowa Monday, Speaker of the House John Boehner tried to make the case that former…

10 years ago

Do Not Let Republican Candidates Hide Their Extremism These Midterms

Scott Walker, Sam Brownback, Rick Perry, Rick Snyder, and others, are ideological and religious extremists, and their hate, win or…

10 years ago

President Obama Talks Strategy with Anti-ISIL Coalition

President Obama pointed to the ideological component and to the economic conditions which contribute to ISIL's recruitment of young men…

10 years ago

America Must Stay Out of Islam’s Sectarian War

No American should delude themselves that the current violence raging in Iraq and Syria is anything other than an extreme…

10 years ago

Backhanded Way To End War…By A Republican

Former President George W. Bush and his crime family's legacy cost us trillions and our economy is going to Hell…

10 years ago

Lace ‘Em Up: Why Neo-Conservatives Are So Anxious To Put Boots On The Ground

Republicans are itching to bring in ground troops against ISIS. The reason stems from an incessant desire to prove American…

10 years ago

We Are Way Better Off Than We Were When Bush Left Office As Jobless Rate Falls To 5.9%

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released September's employment figures on Friday and it was almost entirely good news. The economy…

10 years ago

U.S. Intel Failures Have Become the Latest Republican Benghazi Hoax

Led by Fox News (again), the mainstream media's reaction to Obama's admission of American intel failures has become the latest…

10 years ago

For Republicans ISIL is Only an Excuse to Attack Our President

The suspicion that Republicans are far more horrified by a black president than Islamic terrorists is borne out by the…

10 years ago

SOFA Has Become As Mythical for Fox News as George W. Bush

The one thing you will never hear mentioned by Fox News is SOFA. It gets in the way of their…

10 years ago

Obama Is Right Let Iraq Deal With ISIS As a Sovereign Nation

President Obama is right; Iraq can secure their own country's future" and "fight for their own country" against ISIS.

10 years ago

ISIL and the Limits of the Republican Alternate Reality Bubble

The U.S. must tread carefully in Iraq. The GOP's reality bubble will not protect them - or the rest of…

10 years ago

The Heritage Foundation Hits Up The Little Guy

The Heritage Foundation is located right in the middle of the DC power corridor and well it should be, as…

10 years ago

Religious Right Calls for Deportation, Sterilization and Holy War on Muslims

Even while WND's Joseph Farah claims there is no difference between CAIR and ISIL, we see Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson…

10 years ago

Why Republicans Want America To Forget 9/11

It is unlikely any American over the age of three or four will forget 911, but it is highly likely…

10 years ago

Gallup: Republicans Better Able to Defend Against Terrorism, Keep America Prosperous

The GOP has been able to destroy this country while getting Americans to willingly participate in their own demise with…

10 years ago

House Republicans Conspire With War Criminal Dick Cheney to Plot Iraq Strategy

House Republicans met with war criminal Dick Cheney for counsel on dealing with IS, and likely to promote a new…

10 years ago

For Fox News, a Tired Old Hoax Trumps Obama Outperforming Reagan

Where does a strong economy get you when you're a black president and outperform Reagan on job creation? It gets…

10 years ago

Fumbling Toward War: The GOP’s Foreign Policy of Hate

Republican foreign policy is a tortured and terrifying admixture of religious dogmatism, political ideology, and corporate thirst for profit

10 years ago

Megyn Kelly Uses Bush’s Defense of Iraq Surge to Blame Obama for ISIL

All Megyn Kelly had to do is re-write history, ignoring the fact that Bush followed up his warning by signing…

10 years ago

ISIS: George W. Bush’s Legacy or America’s Spawn?

There is a well-known phrase in the Christian bible that "you reap what you sow." America is now reaping what…

10 years ago

ISIL Will Continue its Terror Campaign Until the World Says Enough! And Means it

The American people will have to decide if they are more tired of war or of the terrorists of ISIL

10 years ago

Of Course! Rush Limbaugh Blames George W. Bush’s Great Recession On President Obama

During Thursday's broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show, conservative blowhard Rush Limbaugh made the unbelievable claim that the Great Recession,…

10 years ago

Republicans Fearmonger Over ISIS to Distract From Their Ineptitude

What is curious, is that Republicans are campaigning against President Obama who is not running for any political office, but…

10 years ago

Rick Perry Takes a Break from Bullying Texans to Attack Obama

At a Republican gathering in New Hampshire, Perry took time to attack Obama for the economy his party destroyed and…

10 years ago

Right After ‘Constructive’ Meeting On Border Crisis, Rick Perry Runs To Fox And Slams Obama

On Wednesday, President Obama met with Republican Texas Governor Rick Perry, along with other political and religious leaders in Texas,…

10 years ago

Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski Says Impeachment Talk Is ‘Disturbing’ And ‘Really Scares Me’

On Wendesday morning's episode of Morning Joe, host Mika Brzezinski played separate video clips of Republicans claiming President Obama needs…

10 years ago

Democratic Rep States That Racism Is Key Reason Conservatives Reject Immigration Reform

During Wednesday's broadcast of MSNBC's The Ed Show, Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) discussed the recent protests in Murrieta, CA surrounding…

10 years ago

GOP Mouthpiece Nicolle Wallace Claims Obama Thinks He’s A Victim And Is Not A Leader

During a panel discussion on Wednesday's broadcast of Morning Joe, conservative pundit Nicolle Wallace made the claim that President Obama…

10 years ago

Warmongering Neocon Bill Kristol Gets Raked Over The Coals Regarding His Iraq Stance

During Sunday's broadcast of ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Bill Kristol was absolutely destroyed over his opinion that the…

10 years ago

Boehner’s Frivolous Law Suit Is A Shiny Object For His Intellectually Challenged Base

Sanity has definitely left the building when the Party of Unitary Executive President George W. Bush tries to make the…

10 years ago

Conservatives Frequently Contradict Themselves When It Comes To Regulations

I love how conservatives scream about the free market and how government intervention only stifles growth, making this nation into…

10 years ago

Sen. Chuck Grassley Blames Obama For a Scandal Caused By His Own Former Staffer

It is a travesty, and a mystery, why any American would vote for Republicans who not only do nothing for…

10 years ago

For Reasons They Will Never Admit Republicans Are Responsible For The Attack on Benghazi

Republicans are ultimately responsible for the attack on the Benghazi outpost for several reasons they will never admit, but that…

11 years ago

Fox News Gets Busted for Falsely Claiming that Obama Released the ‘New Bin Laden’

PolitiFact finds Fox News "false" for claiming that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was "released by Obama in 2009."…

11 years ago

The Neocon Iraqi Lie the Mainstream Media Won’t Let Die

The sad truth is that Iraq is in the shape it is today in because of what the US has…

11 years ago

President Obama Nabs Another Terrorist As US Forces Capture Benghazi Ringleader

U.S. intelligence agencies and the military have successfully apprehended one of the ringleaders of the Benghazi attack.

11 years ago

Corporate Media’s Idea Of Diversity: Nearly All Sunday Show Guests Were White GOP Men

On this week's five Sunday news shows (CNN's State of the Union, ABC's This Week, NBC's Meet the Press, CBS'…

11 years ago

Republicans Blame Obama For Iraq When It Was Bush Who Signed The Agreement to Leave

What any of the Republicans blaming Obama for pulling American troops out of Iraq in 2011 should remember, is that…

11 years ago

Plea To The Mainstream Media — Can You Please Cut Off John McCain’s Mic?

On Friday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) appeared on five different cable news shows to discuss the recent flare up of…

11 years ago

George W. Bush’s Head Cheerleader For The Iraq War Forgets What Year The War Started

Ari Fleischer, the White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush during the early years of the Iraq War.…

11 years ago

Conservative Racists Are Attacking the Bergdahl Family for Associating With Obama

The giveaway that all the animus toward Sergeant Bergdahl is based in conservative racism usually reserved for people of color,…

11 years ago

The Republican Party Has Institutionalized Dishonesty

The Republican Party has made dishonesty an art-form, lying about everything from Obamacare to Benghazi, from the economy to prisoner…

11 years ago

Thomas B. Edsall Gives Voice to Rare Breed: GOP Defectors

For years now, we've watched the Republican Party degrade from a once viable conservative response to liberal philosophy, into an…

11 years ago

Lindsey Graham’s Threat to Impeach The President Is Racial Animus Towards Obama

Graham is doing his best to take up the slack and perpetuate racial animus toward people of color; particularly the…

11 years ago

Republicans Shouting Impeachment Have Reached Critical State Of Obama Derangement Syndrome

A few days after the President of the United States announced that our last prisoner of war, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl,…

11 years ago

The Unhinged Conservative Reaction to Obama’s Foreign Policy Speech at West Point

Diplomacy may not be as profitable as war (Cheney's Haliburton made $39.5 billion off the Iraq war alone), but our…

11 years ago

The Problem of Fake Christians

Jesus said to love. They hate. Jesus said to turn the other cheek. They attack. Jesus said to pray in…

11 years ago

Though Correct to Step Down, Shinseki Was A Victim of Racism

It's a sad day for many in the Asian American community and specifically the Japanese American community as the POTUS…

11 years ago

Republicans Lose Their Minds Over the Fact That the War in Afghanistan is Ending

The reaction from three Republicans on the Senate Armed Services Committee to the President's announcement that America's longest war was…

11 years ago

Ross Douthat Ignores Context and Facts to Make Obama a Foreign Policy Failure

Douthat also carefully avoids mention of Egypt, another Obama foreign policy success story, where the Obama administration's moderating influence ensured…

11 years ago

Jon Stewart Tells Karl Rove And Donald Sterling ‘OK, You Go Bye Now’

On Tuesday night's episode of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart compared the recent insane statements by two men who have…

11 years ago

Jeb Bush Tells Poor People To Stop Mooching and Get Married

Buried under his sweet talk about immigration reform and the importance of education, Jeb Bush revealed the same old trickle…

11 years ago

Someone Needs to Tell Sarah Palin If Obama Were a Dictator, She’d Be In Gitmo

After Obama left Americans for "destroyed", the press is just now waking up, according to Sarah Palin, who is still…

11 years ago

Ted Cruz Finds Fellow Constitution Haters on the Religious Right

Ted Cruz whined to Janet Mefferd and David Barton about President Obama's imaginary attack on "traditional" marriage

11 years ago

Barack Obama Is Nothing Like The Tax and Spend Liberal That Ronald Reagan Was

In nearly every respect, President Obama is nothing like the tax-and-spend liberal Ronald Reagan was, and is not even close…

11 years ago

In 120 Years Republicans Only Cry Tyranny When the Black President Uses Executive Orders

Although President's have been issuing executive orders for over 120 years, Republicans consider it the height of tyranny and dictatorial…

11 years ago

Ted Cruz Would Get Absolutely Destroyed By Hillary Clinton in 2016 Per PPP Poll

In a poll released by Public Policy Polling on Thursday, New Hampshire voters favored Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly to Sen. Ted…

11 years ago

Retired General Wants March on White House and Citizens Arrest of Obama

The Republican remedy for losing seems to be to refuse to accept defeat. Can't win an election? Revolt! Arrest the…

11 years ago

The New York Times Turns Republican Benghazi Hoax Inside Out

The Times has stated that al Qaeda was not behind the spontaneous" - not planned - Benghazi attack, setting right…

11 years ago

Republican Hypocrites Can’t Hide From the Hypocrisy Behind Their Duck Dynasty Outrage

For Americans with half-a-brain, the conservative hypocrisy is as glaring as the subjects conservatives are certain their older, whiter, and…

11 years ago

Yet Another Republican Says Obama Must Do What Congress Tells Him to Do

Justin Amash whined that Congress must "step up and take charge and point out when the President is going beyond…

11 years ago

POTUSING While Black: GOP Claims Obama Is Forbidden from Issuing Executive Orders

The thinking among Republicans is that this President is forbidden from issuing executive orders and they have indicated that he…

11 years ago

Another Conservative Journalist Offensively Compares the ACA to Iraq War

It seems that the National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru felt that it had been too long since a conservative had made…

11 years ago

The Republicans Are Still Blaming Obama for Iraq and Afghanistan

it was not Obama who invaded Iraq on a fabricated pretext and with an army designed to fight not an…

11 years ago

Republicans Show That They Abhor Peace by Criticizing Nuclear Deal With Iran

What the American people are reminded of with the warmonger's criticism of diplomatic efforts is that Republicans abhor peace nearly…

11 years ago

Republicans Hate Getting What They Wanted When They No Longer Want It

There are a bunch of Republicans besides McConnell who, when Bush was president, said they'd never, ever filibuster a nominee.

11 years ago

George W. Bush Returns As The Statute of Limitations on His War Crimes Expires in 2 Months

George W. Bush, has made his presence known with two appearances over the past week, and it is likely because…

11 years ago

Have Decades of GOP Deregulation & Safety Net Gutting Made Depression the New Normal?

Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is never afraid to ask the tough questions. Though his…

11 years ago

George W. Bush Keynotes Event Promoting End Times

One of Jesus Christ's commands to his followers was to spread the good news of the kingdom of god by…

11 years ago

The GOP’s Benghazi Hoax Exposed

The Republican Party refuses to let go of their manufactured Benghazi scandal narrative. We saw just the other day that…

11 years ago