Breaking the Silence: Addressing Gender-based Violence
The silence must be broken. Women, men, and children are being harmed on a daily basis by this public health and safety crisis.
During a segment on CNN’s Newsroom Thursday, host Carol Costello pushed back against author Susan Patton’s attempts to both blame the victims of sexual abuse and frame the issue of rape and sexual violence as nothing more than failed hook ups.
Another day, another new low reached by bottom-scraping conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. In this instance, Limbaugh justified rape culture by telling men that no really means yes.
Some men have been suggesting Rodgers’ killing of more men than women means he wasn’t a misogynist. Nothing could be further from the truth.
So today, on this tragic Saturday when a very disturbed young man went on a murdering rampage against the “beautiful” women archetype he felt rejected by, I’m wondering if we can finally talk about the systemic problem of violence against women in the United States.
Women who are involved in journalism are increasingly the targets of violent sexual threats by anonymous cowards in hopes of frightening them to stop expressing their opinions.
President Obama said today while signing the Violence Against Women Act, “I promise you this – not just as your President, but as a son, as a husband, as a father – I’m going to keep at it.”
The House GOP’s watered down version of the VAWA is more about preserving their bigotry than anything about protecting women from violence.
A pro-fetus House Republican from Georgia is defending legitimate rape Todd Akin of Missouri and the gift of rape Richard Mourdock of Indiana.
The response and support the Steubenville rapists are receiving is typical given the recent attacks on all American women at the hands of Republicans.
It’s not just the Sandy bill. Eric Cantor (R-VA) and John Boehner (R-OH) also killed legislation that would help protect 30 million American women’s lives.
A 23-year-old female who was brutally gang-raped in India died today as a result of her injuries. Her attack has inspired protests throughout India.
The GOP is being overtaken by the crazy exes, bitter and bursting with desire for revenge against a world that threatens to take away their control and power.