Freedom Convoy

DC Trucker Convoy Falls Apart As Their Leader Runs Away

DC Trucker Convoy Falls Apart As Their Leader Runs Away

The DC trucker convoy is crumbling as their leader announced that he was leaving but denied running away.

3 years ago

The Truckers In The DC Convoy Are Dropping Like Flies With What Sounds Like COVID

Truckers in the DC convoy that is protesting masks and vaccines are now getting very sick with something that sounds…

3 years ago

D.C. Trucker Convoy Defeated By Rain And Bad Traffic

The D.C. trucker convoy again tried to come to Washington but was thwarted by a combination of rain and traffic.

3 years ago

DC Trucker Convoy Does Laps Around Beltway In Massive GOP Failure

The trucker convoy did eventually come to DC sort of, as they spent Sunday protesting high gas prices by doing…

3 years ago

Ridiculous Lauren Boebert Claims Freedom Convoy is “Representative of a People’s Yearning for Freedom”

Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Col.) once again defended the Freedom Convoy, the ongoing protest led by Canadian truckers who’ve pushed back…

3 years ago