“General” Jerry Boykin Blames Right Wing Watch for UCC Shooting
Despite the fact that the UCC shooter was a self-described “conservative” and “Republican,” Jerry Boykin says Right Wing Watch inspired him
Despite the fact that the UCC shooter was a self-described “conservative” and “Republican,” Jerry Boykin says Right Wing Watch inspired him
Donald Trump told the crowd what a great Christian he is, right before he earned boos by attacking Marco Rubio in a very un-Christian way
Inviting hate group leader Tony Perkins to speak about religious freedom is just more evidence of the GOP’s farcical approach to governance
Todd Akin is running out of friends. Even an anti-abortion group wants him to quit. But his biggest loss will be Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS
The idea that we all enjoy equal rights under the law is abhorrent to the totalitarian mindset, as the FRC proves in an anti-rights tirade
Tony Perkins claims a gay pride flag endangers American lives, but apparently Nazi flags, urinating on dead Afghans and burning Qur’ans does not
In recent weeks right wing bigots like Tony Perkins have been featured on Hardball, The Ed Show, and Rachel Maddow among others, and it must stop.