Fiscal policy

Koch-Republican Austerity Is Killing Michigan Democracy And Poisoning Residents

Koch-Republican Austerity Is Killing Michigan Democracy And Poisoning Residents

Bad things generally happen when corporate fascist take over government and eliminate democracy, and it is a fact of life…

9 years ago

Illinois Gov. Rauner Projects His Hypocritical Conflict of Interest on Democrats and Unions

Over the weekend, Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner assailed state legislators who accept campaign contributions from public employee unions for…

9 years ago

Media Intentionally Hides Republicans’ Economic Failures And Democrats’ Success

t is true that Republican policies are why Americans are rapidly losing economic ground to the few wealthy elites, but…

10 years ago

Republicans Use Deficit Lie To Try To Cut Health Care While Increasing Military Spending

Republicans are looking for ways to increase the already bloated defense budget they claim is woefully underfunded. And, as is…

10 years ago

Mocking Democrats’ Deficit Concerns, GOP Passes Permanently Unfunded Tax Cuts

Some people may errantly conclude that Republicans, as typical conservatives, are so set in their ways they are naturally unwilling…

10 years ago

GOP’s First Step To Inflict Kansas Economic Woes On America

There is nothing as evil, mean-spirited, and pathetic as a mature adult who sees firsthand that something is inherently dangerous…

10 years ago

Republicans Are Unhinged and Terrified of Good Economic Reports

Despite their Herculean efforts to bankrupt America though, another report this week revealed the economy is on the mend despite…

10 years ago

Liberal States Outperform Conservative Ones as Republicans Push More Trickle Down

It is beyond question that after over thirty years, the Republican "trickle down" economic experiment continues providing the same empirical…

10 years ago

Irrational Republican Default Truthers Are Determined to Crash The Economy

The arguments of the Republican default truthers fly in the face of rational thought and economic experts who are predicting…

11 years ago

The Republican Championed Simpson-Bowles Budget Plan Is Based on Flawed Data

Simpson-Bowles learned their austerity policy is based on flawed data, but they are still using the erroneous information to argue…

11 years ago

Republican Economic Ignorance Is Pushing America Off The Austerity Cliff

For the past two years under Republican rule, America relinquished its leadership position to Europe and became a devotee of…

12 years ago

The American People Are Being Punished Because Republicans Refused Pay Their Debts

Americans are being held responsible for Republicans' debt for two unnecessary wars, costly prescription plan, tax cuts for the rich,…

12 years ago

House Republicans Embrace Sequester Dirty Bomb In their Economic War on America

When the enemy is in the halls of Congress, and is openly calling for economic destruction to avoid revenue, it…

12 years ago

Republican Austerity Cultists Chant Their Spending Cuts Mantra As They Sink the Economy

One can say with confidence that when Republicans find an economic policy that fails, they are duty-bound to repeat it…

12 years ago

Hypocrite Republicans Ignored Decades of Debt Until Obama Became President

Republicans never place a high-priority on spending and the national debt until there is a Democrat in the White House…

12 years ago

Nancy Pelosi Destroys Republican Talking Points on the Debt Ceiling

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) destroyed Republican talking points regarding the debt ceiling on Face the Nation, and then upped the ante…

12 years ago

The Debt Ceiling Pays Off Money That Republicans Already Spent

Federal law requires Congress to authorize the government to borrow any money that is needed to pay for the programs…

12 years ago

Vindictive Republicans Are Out to Punish Obama and America with Austerity

Republicans are megalomaniacs who will continue punishing the people for re-electing President Obama to raise taxes on the wealthy by…

12 years ago

The Republican Austerity Bomb is the Real Threat to America

Budget negotiation drama is getting more intense as the fiscal cliff or 'austerity bomb' approaches. The stakes for the poor…

12 years ago