Economic ideologies

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders

It is glaringly obvious that for regardless the reason Senator Sanders self-labels himself as a "democratic socialist," or whatever negative…

10 years ago

Don’t Be Fooled Because Kansas Republicans Admit Trickle Down Is a Scam

Kansas' Republican legislators are all but admitting their precious trickle down experiment was not only a failure, it is a…

10 years ago

GOP’s First Step To Inflict Kansas Economic Woes On America

There is nothing as evil, mean-spirited, and pathetic as a mature adult who sees firsthand that something is inherently dangerous…

10 years ago

Steve King Says if You’re not a Capitalist You Don’t Love America

"They don't like the constitution, they don't love this country, they don't appreciate the greatness of America, they don't think…

11 years ago

The Chamber of Commerce Rewards Scott Walker For Making Wisconsin Last in Job Growth

The Chamber invited Scott Walker to represent 'enterprising states', even though their own study placed Wisconsin dead last for short…

12 years ago