Tagged Defense spending


Trump Signs Ridiculous Spending Bill While Repeating Lie That Our Military Is Depleted

After creating chaos earlier this morning by threatening to veto the proposed Senate and Congressional omnibus spending bill, adding an additional 1.3 trillion dollars to the previous 1.7 trillion added by the Republican tax reform law passed just over a month ago, Mr. Trump finally decided to sign the legislation, announcing his decision to a pool…


Welfare or Warfare: Keeping Defense Contractors Rich While America Crumbles

Republicans want to take the country back to the 1950s, and they want to cut taxes for the wealthy claiming it is good for the economy even though the Bush-era tax cuts have not created jobs or stimulated the economy. Republicans also oppose cutting defense spending that drains the economy and takes valuable resources that could rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and create jobs.


John McCain’s Eternal War Against Gays At Home and American Soldiers Abroad

John McCain is a war hero, and advocates permanent wars regardless the cost in lives and drain on the economy. He also knows that allowing gays to serve in the military is wrong, regardless that a majority of Americans, the Pentagon, and service members support repealing DADT. McCain also doesn’t want an end to the war in Afghanistan because he has gross memory loss regarding the Iraq war.

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